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Everything posted by ruggers13

  1. Yeah she coming on good just retrieve what im having problems with but still trying she'll get there hopefully she does bring the training dummy to me but then runs off with it trying to play when I do get it she's pulling on it got a right grip on her other than that she's a beauty animal I will put a better picture up later today
  2. How do I delete this thread dint mean to post twice
  3. Great pictures great looking dogs too
  4. Pup of grunter123 of here was ment to say
  5. Went out with dogs got a few pics
  6. Went out with dogs got a few pics
  7. Kits are finally here both parents from great working lines
  8. Anyone into net making and need advice please join our Facebook group rabbit net making advice all welcome atb

  9. How tall is the pup you kept back ?
  10. Ill let you know tomorrow pal just put her away n thats what raw meat n plenty of walks does shes a beauty little sod at times but love her cant wait for next season she spotted her 1st rabbit other day wasnt far of it
  11. Pups been great cant wait for September
  12. I was using my gill shes tame but with you saying that cragman im going to stop using her shes my best rabbiting ferret so dont want to spoil her hobs are pretty big tho will they get down the holes aswel ? Thanks for all your advice
  13. Cheers lads i know its gunna happen overnight n dogs are fine with ferrets weve got a smoker but got a few problems with it hopefully should be working next week will let you know how we get on
  14. Tbh were new to rats the ferrets have bolted rats before n terrier has had a couple but never marked my mates terrier is only 6 month old hes starting her out how can i get the dogs to mark ? Can we train them ? Atb ruggers
  15. Me n a mate have perm for ratting we got there n we could see the holes n when we moved a few things we seen loads of crap fresh,n runs where they were going under the chicken coops we stuck ferrets under but nothing bolted so moved to the next place same again loads of holes n runs but nothing bolting any ideas ? Tia
  16. Hi pal have you still got this pm you atb ruggers
  17. Got mk1 8ft ferret locator 15ft locator n 2x 15ft collars want to swap for mk3 n collars pm if interested n more details tia

  18. Hope you find her will share on my Facebook group
  19. I GOT JET BACK !!

    1. jeppi26


      Good man a lot doubted you even me hat off to you lad just he don't get another dog now

    2. ruggers13


      I have walshie pal n rex26 hope he dont pal

    3. bigmac 97kt

      bigmac 97kt

      Back where he belongs nice

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  20. Thread been taken down then !! Will repost when ive got it sort sorry for he long wait but can only go as fast as the lad does will update tomorrow when i get dog back atb ruggers

  21. Hi tomo my mate has mk3 n he uses a cat collar there elasticated aswel atb hope this helps
  22. Its 2 colours of spun poly orange n red cheers pal
  23. This is shape it gives you pal n ha e you joined rabbit net making advice?
  24. Great pics pal pup lookss good
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