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About dorsetchap.22

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 08/01/1986

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  • Interests
    anything with a engine and now air sports

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  1. well its been a while upto 6 perms and put in for my fac and sgc
  2. I did send you a PM but had no reply when you first started looking and i am only a few miles away from you He must have heard the rumours What rumours would they be
  3. well things get even better got my second perm today i nice big ratting perm so all in all a good few weeks word seems to be getting around my first perm got talking to a guy about his squirrel problem mentioned me an gave him my number an what do you know
  4. well after 4 years i have finally got my own permission and it feels absolutly great going to cherish it like gold
  5. upgrade today i am a proud owner of a steoger x20 suppresor only disslike is the 2 stage trigger 2nd staged isnt really the nice comfy stock very quite medium weight
  6. did you used to shoot up parkstone gun club a while back
  7. Warborrow bay back of tyneham is good for conger an mackrel
  8. Welcome from a fellow Dorset chap an horse owner
  9. Like your posts mac but that's a bit insulting to the lad. Not meant that way RT and if iv up set him im sorry atvbmac :thumbs: it fine buddy
  10. you dont have to have deep pockets to go shooting look at the old bow an arrow catapult way before the days of c02 an pcp well i am proud to announce that i got my first permission last night after rapping some knuckles on some old sold doors not every one has the funds for posh thumb hole stocks and fancy kit if you persevere you will succeed a rifle of any matter of the term is only as good as the person using it
  11. well i sold the smk and was given the cometa i used to have acometa fenix 400 carbine and had no problems with that is was just unfortunate that i dont have my old mk1 hw80 any more
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