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Everything posted by mongoose

  1. Sometimes earths are to much in view for public and even though have full written permission it is less hassle to go back as getting dark and that bleeping stands out in the quite of night and is annoying....
  2. I agree with this, so if you can please let us know....
  3. Sorry don't understand what you mean.....
  4. I'm putting these up for a friend with no computer.... He has two chocolate patterdale dog pups left, the rest of litter has gone through word of mouth... They are 12 weeks and out of a 100% digging parents... They are line bred which him and a friend keep.... They are £150 and in North Wales so if anyone is interested please pm me and i will pass on his tel no and he will tell you all about them.... Sorry can't do photos as haven't a clue how to put them up.... Please only contact if really interested.... Thanks
  5. I would look for a springer of the right breeding if its your first one, you want one out of steadier parents not flat out trial dogs, then it should be a slower dog and not so hard to train, then it should be a handy dog for you, some labs will work cover but alot aren't ideal rough shooting dogs and beating is a different game....
  6. Both good mate i wear the meindl and like them and some of the other lads wear the lowa and like them, so that doesn't help really....
  7. Good stuff... its great to see a proper russell....
  8. You are having some good sport p***y, cracking terriers....
  9. Try phoning the number on the Bulldog tools website.... They don't sell the shovels but give you a number where you can purchase them.... they might beable to give you a store in Ireland.... Worth a try....
  10. A good friendly show where all the proceeds go 2 charity, so if anyone in the area please drop in..... Should be a good afternoon....
  11. Didn't stay to the end as felt a lot of the people there were from the town and didn't like walking round with terriers and it was to hot to leave them in the car, not saying the winners weren't workers just felt alot of the dogs there hadn't seen a lot of work and speaking to friends a few years a go it would have all been workers, i'm not picking on this show the 3 shows i've gone to this year have been the same and the other 2 shows i've been to for the last few years... Think alot of people just taking young dogs to shows now or going for the crack which is sensible...(just my views)
  12. I was at the conwy valley show and thought the amount of working terriers ws poor....
  13. The EDRD big ron was bred by DH out of stan (bred by dh owned by someone else) and tess a bitch he had on loan from jp.. Big ron was owned by RE....
  14. If only i could keep my woman at the sink but she always wants 2 go lamping and digging as she has her own terrier and lurcher.... the only thing we argue about are the dogs....
  15. i brought the 1 with the fibre glass handle which reduces the weight as often carry it on a strap on my back..
  16. I brought a good shovel made by bulldog.. if u go on their web site u can pick the 1 u want as pictures on it then ring the number and they will give u a number of a supplier who will mail order it 4 u.. i found it first class....
  17. I have got the yellow shaft and handled fibreglass bulldog shovel welded some foot plates on it. I find it very good also nice to carry on back when walking a bit...
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