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Everything posted by **Lurcherman**

  1. I'd love to name every dog thief I know off but that would leave me wide open to be sued. Remember, some scumbags think stealing dogs is part of the doggy game and they are proper dog men. To be called a scumbag would be an insult. Also, a few years ago a fellow, who lives only a few miles from me, who kept terriers (I wont call him a terrierman as he's a messer.) had all his terriers stolen, twice in fact. He rang me crying his eyes out down the phone asking me could I help him get them back. To cut a long story short I gave him a name and then I had this scumbag on the phone threatening
  2. The only good traveller is a dead traveller, they never did a good thing in there lives
  3. Gud to see you keep ya options open :0For me its heavy collie saturated temp just does me nut in, they work well enough just they wind me up in there mannerisms. Im in a position where i can afford to be fussy... I think collie blood isnt enough on its own but is ok as part of a mix,Cant stand bedlington blood and i prefer native x's to be just that... I also think sal x's and bull x's can be usefull animals in their own right Out of interest why not the beddie blood ? had one few years back beddie whip grey... Nasty tempered f****r, attacked the other dogs including the least aggressive
  4. got to agree. if you dig it up just to let it go you dont have a leg to stand on when Mr Townie comes along and says its cruel because your only doing it for your own pleasure imo. either do the job properly or dont do it at all. too many people take the sport to heart it's not a job,,,,,, it's a HOBBY,,,,, you don't shoot yourself on the foot for the next time when hunting and if you do kill/shoot all try put back in what you take out it keeps the circle going your never going to dig to every single fox in the are in one winter anyway are you? If you were out with the terriers
  5. If the english boys stop crying out for the good old irish terriers there wouldnt be a market for them to be stolen!
  6. NEW RULES , STATE WHAT YOUR LAND IS LIKE AND IS YOUR QUARRY THE KIND THAT BITES BACK< i know Horses for courses but it gives an idea why poeple dont like certain crosses , i know poeple arent agreeing with you on beddy x whippets but like thats their view and thats there view so settle it with them
  7. LADs Lets add names to this or pm if you like just so i can keep these C**TS out, a dog was stolen in charville and popped up over in england at show and believe me the man holding the dog never helded one again after the bating he got,told a blind lie and said he had it since a pup but the only way to prove it was the tail was broken at the very end
  8. your not the odd one out joe them who slag them have never seen a good one believe me You took the words out of my mouth THEM WHO SLAG BULLX NEVER SEEN A GOOD ONE BELIEVE ME
  9. All these topics about will this breed be good and how do you rate this cross , and fans of that breed comment and blow the breed up , so why what cross have you HAD and didn't work for you and why wouldn't you keep another one ???
  10. there will be no bids this will not be for money if I get the right bitch the pups will be gifted to decent dog men if your one and there's pups by all means you can have onewould you not try a nice coursing greyhound? My father had a strain of Irish terrier but it died out when the last litter there was only 2 males they worked to a good age but we never had a bitch to breed back to, once seen a Wheaton x Irish terrier , was a great dog to work but his career ended short because he loved his job so much no reverse gear! Well I'd most certainly give that pup a good working home
  11. He can help with all damage to the body , my father uses have for muscle damage in his shoulder , give him a try cheap as chips very busy on a Saturday mornin !
  12. Mitchelstown area 35 mins from city:) was it a shoulder problem your dog had ya hit a gate one night lamping and knocked the shoulder out a mile and vet could do anything he just set it in 5 mins>
  13. His name is Moss Lane, phone 062-46085 because bone setter you ever seen,vet said my dog would never run again,and 2 weeks later his knocking foxes again Atb
  14. irish terrier is my most favour xs of all time but impossible to get a working one,but any possible pups out of this dog a greyhound bitch ill be the first to start the bids,
  15. if desert bred was here he would sort this out and both of you would be having a match
  16. id say read books and decided he is an expert and like he says dont post if you dont want an option and my option is your given your dog a fightening chance at been a fit healthly dog and 6miles souds alot but how many miles does a lurcher print in a night of rabbits????????
  17. dont mind foresterj , he knows everything about everything, the amount of sh*t he talks is unreal, and why dont you ask him what would he do with a jacker ????
  18. What kind of work does this bitch do pm if preferred
  19. Back to school I'm 28 yrs old and no I'm not spiderfly his a sound lad I know and he ain't in school either and he don't bother with this site because if you and riohog, so get your facts right , come ere I taught this saluki you had would kill any fox why not let him draw one ?
  20. So your dog won't draw a fox ha! No I was never band and paulas should be able to confirm that wit I.p address , so you posted a picture of a black saluki wit 2 rabbits at the back of a jeep? U did , should the mods not ban you with all your abuse ???????
  21. PP is a mate of mine and hes no dealer I didnt say my dogs were better or can beat any ones. You said yours is not a hare dog so I said I Have a saluki I will run against yours on fox so you bottled it with PP and me. When I said we will come over there to run as you arent prepared to run here you started all the black and tan bollocks and you wouldnt take us on your peermission then I said I or PP will run you and we will arrange some land over there and you are still doing the soft shoe shuffle your telling dogs are shite not us so put up or shut up. u jumped on board and decide you co
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