i had a first cross bitch and you could run her all night on rabbits and all alive but once she seen those eyes that was it all hell broke lose best one so far not that iv had many but was a good one love to get another one
anyone use them what they like bought one today filter litium ion battery and new jacket said i might aswell spend a few pound since im making a bit before i go home in winter
well lads anyone use them preban how were they on doing the job for you was thinking of getting one myself if i can find a good bred one nice looking dogs
well lads anyone work them preban how were they on the job too small or good grsfters was thinking of trying to get one just for lamping was all thanks
well lads sure this has been up here before but many of you use them ( pre ban) how did the go any pictures what cross first of secound what game did you work was thinking of getting one when i get back to ireland was all thanks