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Everything posted by Shamohead

  1. Haha, your all so witty and cleaver. Keyboard warriors making your gob. It good luck in the field lads, hope to bump into you sometime.
  2. Sorry lads but your all pricks who just love to slag people and their dogs off. No wonder it's just the same few nobs on here.
  3. Thing is lads it's about time we stood together and tried to help each other out, the antis would love to see us all up against walls, and they must be pissing themselves when they see all the bickering and bullshit on this forum, shame lads
  4. Meaning bred off really good working lines that have been carefully considered to produce dogs that have the potential to become excellent working dogs that should also do well in the show ring!!! Does anyone else need me to describe want a well bred dog means???
  5. Thanks lads, some helpful stuff there. Got chance of a 6wk old pup bred out of mr Sykes stuff or this dog at 6mth that come out of Middleton on dams side and sire is a dog called buster which is from Ireland, both options are strong stuff, I'll post pics this weekend, I've got more confidence now over fang problem. Thanks again fellas
  6. I'll post a pic soon and I'll also try to post a pic of tooth prob, it's the first pup I've seen with this prob, that's why I wanted abit of advice, no probs with under/over shot, just this one tooth, it's like the top right fang is small with this other tooth growing at the back.
  7. Cheers fella, all the other baby teeth have come out, and all adult teeth through thou?? He's 6mth old, I'll try and post some pics
  8. Hi lads, wondered if anyone could give me abit of advice, got the chance to buy a very very well bred black fell, smart as paint. The pup is 6mth old, the problem is one of his upper fang baby teeth hasn't fell out and this as stunted the growth of his adult fang, it looks like he's got two small fangs on that side. Has anybody encountered this problem? Thanks fellas
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