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Everything posted by TheLurcherBoy

  1. not gone on jrts never though of a border... thanks for the info!! would you rate fells as an alrounder?
  2. never had a terrier before but im thinking of getting a pup for next year want something for doing abit of bushing with the lurchers and a dog that will go to ground on fox. any help would be great thanks!
  3. As long the dogs are warm dry and happy that's all that matters! just think of that when your cleaning up!
  4. hear alot about wax paper.. is it as good as its made out to be?
  5. straw is good but the dust can get into some dogs eyes and make the cloudy!happened to my bitch so i just use blankets now..
  7. looks like this is on my Christmas list! cheers lads.
  8. http://www.sporting-videos.com/sporting-videos/product-info.php?DVD-pid288.html anyone got this DVD or seen it? just wondering is it any good before i get it! thanks.
  9. battles black smells better and is far cheaper and more concentrated you're paying for the name were ya get it?
  10. Jeyes fluid never used different, great stuff!! and yes the smell
  11. You don't know the story mate. The lad could have been badly advised and ended up with a heart breakingly head strong dog for a first time animal. Rehoming it may well have been best for both man and beast. Some of the best dogs iv clapped eyes on have been head strong feckers and not just lurchers, He asked about dog men, IMO I think a good dog man should try his hardest to overcome the challenge he's got and reep the rewards when it all clicks, wanted too much too soon I think, failed the dog in training, who knows but he got rid of a young dog, he's only 15 he said so like you said maybe ba
  12. You don't know the story mate. The lad could have been badly advised and ended up with a heart breakingly head strong dog for a first time animal. Rehoming it may well have been best for both man and beast. yep.. was told her was live to hand but would tear rabbit apart and growl at me when i was taking them off him snapped once or twice so had to go!
  13. i was 12 and a dog that growls and trys to bully ya dosnt belong in my house... ive a 2/3 brother?? couldnt be arsed putting time into a dog? i come home from school at 5 and walk my bitch for 2/3hours and then 30mins training dont start mouthing if ya dont know what your on about!!
  14. Was talking to one of my friends and he said he was a one of the biggest dog man of the age of 15 going... The funny thing is he hasn't ever kept a lurcher for more than 2/3 months!! What does be goin through some lads heads I'm 15 have had two lurchers first lurcher had to get rid after a year as he was to head strong for me and the lurcher I have now I have had her for 2years and she won't be goin anywhere!!! Just wondering why do you lads think dogs ar passed around so much? Money? Dirt dogs? Bad owners?
  15. No, you're beering up the water. bhahahaahahahaaha legend!!!
  16. depends what you want him/her for? if its just out for a mooch and bit of lamping rabbits noting better than a handy whippet or whippetx BUT if your going out for the red lad colliehounds are very good alrounders and will nearly teach you!!!
  17. have seen him...hes not worth a sh*te keeps comin back!!
  18. doesnt know could be a number of things? fulmatic eye drops? something like that dont know the name...
  19. must be something that keeps causing the infection, grass seed perhaps i really dont know? its blood shot too.... antibiotics will clear an infection but not solve what is causing it. bloodshot eye is normal with an infection Thanks.
  20. must be something that keeps causing the infection, grass seed perhaps i really dont know? its blood shot too....
  21. my whippetx bitch keeps getting a cloudy eye.. i give her drops and it clears up but then it just springs up 2/3 weeks later and shes layed up for a week again!!! anyone know if you can give her a shot of anything? all suggestions welcome.
  22. Willing to learn... not afraid to ask Qs and be wrong once in a while keep trying to improve your dogs and have patience BUT this is harder than you think....
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