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Everything posted by TheLurcherBoy

  1. keep to your small groups.... have a few close friends in it and happy days, keep it safe and have fun
  2. would be nice to see... alot of hard ship tho i think anywhere between 1! 8-24tts is what a good rabbit dog would measure
  3. more dogs aint the answer mate, you just need better ones hahahaha
  4. why you sat on here this windy night get out there havnt been on this for a while..lol sorry for the late reply!! i prob was out that night i go out most nights because im only in school and dont have to work ive been gettin 4/5 a night so happy with that bitch is still learning
  5. hahaahah id get stared out of it if i was carrying a rabbit up the road!!! ive been stopped so many times by gaurds gettin called saying im lamping on privet property that they know my name!!! funny thing is i always have permission.. just ould ones as ive said have nottin better to do
  6. cant even jog a horse on the road of walk your dog with the community watch... all it is, is oul ones that have notin better to do than callin the gaurds or textin everyone tellin them you out with your dog?? its sad really... my mam go a text say suspicious young man walking greyhoung wearing a red top... yes it was me walking my whippet!!! was funny tho because i knew who it was that texted it in
  7. thinking of ending it short tbh... these numbers would sicken ya!!
  8. When will you lads finish up the season? It's starting to get very poor were I am and notin about really lucky to get 2/3 a night...
  9. in school... loads of time and weekends off!!
  10. thinking of getting one whippets get very cold at night
  11. anyone selling a red filter for lightforce 240 blitz or know anywhere that sells them cheap? im in ireland. thanks!!
  12. Looking for a red filter for my lightforce 240 blitz anyone selling one or know were you can get them cheap? thanks!
  13. ok.. its grand lol its all done within the law anyway so not doing any harm!
  14. Just take a look through past posts mate and you'll soon see what the names meanSome mean men that give every thing to the terrier world and it was all about the terrier and it's work And some names mean men that had terriers bolted a few foxes and think they had done it all and then some ruined the terrier world by big mouths and seeing pound signs in their terriers Of course what do I know about anything lol Just work your tykes and enjoy it at the same time Atb Tom i suppose its like lurchers really theres those well know dogs but in the shadows theres the men that have never seen
  15. cant imagine lamping at this time of year.... to windy and cold poor dogs be scared of the dark to!! lol
  16. its legal over here mate! they cant touch you if you stay inside the law.. and hope your not acusing me of being anti?? check my other post if ya worried mate
  17. ok lads! hear alot of names being mentioned and was just wondering what they were all about!!
  18. i have a german shepherd dogs that is keen and will bush well but has no speed and never catches... i leave that to the whippet!!
  19. just wondering what are in your opinion the best lines out there i dont have a clue when it comes the the breeding of terriers and would like to see what your views are... so lads lets hear it!
  20. dont know anyone/ theres only me and my brother that are into hunting with lurchers out my way im going to tag alone on a local hunt one of the days and see how its done if they will have me but theres not many lads that want a 15 year old hanging around like a tool!! i know my stuff when it comes to lamping with my lurchers but it the terriers that will really test me! anyway ive time to learn early days yet not even got a terrier yet! but next season im thinking about getting into the digging game
  21. ahh i had a shot at it never was good at my estimates
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