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Everything posted by TheLurcherBoy

  1. The day i got her... Now 3 months later
  2. ye racy ennuf...should fill out abit tho.. nice type suits me
  3. no.. not hancock! just worker x worker.. cheers lads
  4. have a big soft GSD dog here that looks like a nasty b*****d.. two neighbours have been robbed a hand full of times, my house hasnt been looked at... I wonder why?? because no ones gonna risk goin in with a big dog... aslong as it barks and stands its ground there not gonna test a big GSD... IMO
  5. Good GSD do the job.. good dog to bark is all you need!!!!
  6. you dont need a dog with bull in it to have heart... had a whippet bitch 18tts was a demon on the lamp!! just make shur parents are working and you should have a very good pup if its trained right.. atb!
  7. I have a bitch pup that's 6 months old.. She retrieves ad is fast for her age she's my second lurcher and her mother and father worked all game (per ban)! Just wondering what would you do? Start on rabbits for the first season and leave the red lad for the next season? Don't want to ruin her.. And put to much on her plate... She will mainly be a rabbiting bitch but if there was the odd charley I'd like to give her ago! Any advice(training, fitness and when to start her) welcome!!
  8. is there anything you can give a whippet to bulk them up?? i dont want her to be like a big bullx but want to get abit of meat on her bones as shes very light... and always cold!! tryed pasta and good beta nuts and kitchen scraps but it didnt work, she also losses her hair in patches now and again??? anyone know of any supplements or anything? thanks
  9. lovely pup lurcherboy it would be nice to see how the rest that litter turned out thanks lads! ye mother and father allround dogs and father is an animal on the lamp!!
  10. colliehound 22tts Mother: first cross Father:3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie
  11. Just wondering does anyone have any info or pics on a first cross colliehound x colliehound.. What build would they be and what would stamina be like not to worried about speed!
  12. Anyone feed or here of this? picked up two small bags yesterday for a tenner normaly 20 for two bags.... just wodering is it any good as the nut i was feeding, the bitch was losing condition and her coat is very poor.. shes lamped 2 times a week and walked for 15/20 mins when she not lamping... any info on this nut or if you feed any other nut that will keep a dog in good condition et me no cheers (I feed raw every other day)
  13. i find it funny when lads say "ill race ya for €500" they wouldnt have €10 to there name and are just trying to scare you off.... find it even funnyer when you agree to race for €500 but there dog is injured and has to rest for a month or two
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