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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. some hypocrits on here lol ..most driving about lamping all hours then freak out seeing a van lol
  2. I remember standing chatting with my labourer waiting to start work.and foot patrol coming down street an first one to use shouldered us bit cheeky we look at each other an looked at him he was laying on ground dead.. close call that one didn't even hear the shot..still remember his name to 30 years later then when you put in for dla there questioning it ..post traumatic stress disorder
  3. you get killed over here for sticking your nose in .i seen them 2 brits getting dragged out of their car at casement park that day .the local priest tried to but in he was made an offer he couldnt refuse...so its different in real life
  4. Plenty illegal Immigrants in indigenous land, Australia,New zealand, America , Canada, south Africa, Kenya, just to list some of them. All British descendant should be sent back, only than you c#nuts can ship immigrant out of your country. I'm sure native Americans and other native be more then happy to take back their land, bout flocking Time. Ow yeah and out of Ireland too. Take that fooking old lady Elizabeth Windsor outta Ireland. There is a slight difference Axum, we went in and gave as much, if not more, than we took. We took minerals mostly, and we gave westernisation, and
  5. orange c**ts? There's a mix in the pishni stop victimising yourself harey dave hes correct there mixed..uda and uvf
  6. works both ways.they dont know whos watching them...sunny.jim lol
  7. Just be careful. One of our biggest shoots has given us orders to shoot any dogs on sight, apart from two labs that walk on there.. he's always got livestock around, anything from sheep to cattle, plus it's a deer shoot. And before you go off on one about what you would do if your dog dropped dead bear in mind (A ) we're on night vision so you wouldn't even know we were there, and (B ) we carry firearms, skinning knives, machetes and 6 foot shooting sticks. And there's always more than one ! Just be careful and check all round for empty parked vehicles heard this talk before
  8. facebook...lurchers for sale ireland...couple a nice wheaton x pups on it the other day.
  9. no.i know the cops have and will drive on .its already been read out at more than a few inquests here by the corener.
  10. if some body bids you a pound each grab it. 24.x 12s best seller.
  11. have to agree..i would drive on.after the harrasment some people have had could you blame them.
  12. hes turned to the bible in barlinne.
  13. As a man said on here before Decky is only a picture proves nothing oir how the hare was killed lot people on here like you icey always have an opinion but fcek all of your own to show lot of milage on there car in the comp.
  14. The way we dealt with the IRA? So give them a special government and put them in power then?Lol, fair comment. I was referring more to the combination of intelligemce gathering operations and direct military action taken. The Northern Ireland problem was far more complex than this. The British government weren't afraid to take direct action against identified players back then. They were very selective of their targets. Martin McGuiness is a torturer and murderer. Thomas 'Slab' Murphy was IRA Chief of Staff, responaible for plotting many bomb attacks. Insurgencies are not solved through mi
  15. england has been in conflict in countries were they had no buissness for the last 100 years.fact so some hypocrits on here .
  16. 1 in the supermarket has escaped...must have ate the frogs legs and hopped the wall.ffs how incompent
  17. 2 of them stiffed.went out like butch cassidy and the sundance kid...
  18. awk gerry were you been .were you in the bar.l again ..3/4 reverse collie grey do your job on that land.
  19. that red dog i have on jackos topic is coming down of hope alec got of sweenys .think willie had a hope dog aswell yes pat willie bred hope gave it paddy Sweeney /// paddy then bred hope and sold alec a young dog [rip] he was a very good dog willie lines are still going strong and still produceing top stuff put that pic of your red dog up here thanks pat fine strong dog how old is he S1640028 (2).JPG there you go peter.dog out of hope over a full whippet..killing them regular. thast all that matters if he is doing his job alex s hope must be dead now ???? h
  20. that red dog i have on jackos topic is coming down of hope alec got of sweenys .think willie had a hope dog aswell yes pat willie bred hope gave it paddy Sweeney /// paddy then bred hope and sold alec a young dog [rip] he was a very good dog willie lines are still going strong and still produceing top stuff put that pic of your red dog up here thanks pat fine strong dog how old is he S1640028 (2).JPG there you go peter.dog out of hope over a full whippet..killing them regular. hes 4 now good gamey dog..suits me
  21. they hear the gate opening up slemish there away like fook.
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