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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. it always seems to be the same lads getting differt dogs some from top men who are always chopplng and changing.that old saying must be true.
  2. you hear the old saying theres doggy men then theres men with dogs.theres some lads always seem to have 2nd rate dogs always chopping and changing maybe 2 and 3 dogs a season .i know you cant make a silk purse out of a pigs ear but is the man behind the dog.
  3. have to agree about a dog with a good gub main thing about a dog for me.seen 1 on f/b there just following a hare round and round woundnt strike..have to be up and at them imo.
  4. postal order alright..whens it released
  5. handcock...at least you know its a first x.
  6. Yeah read the book mate,and he isnt my hero,I am trying to tell you dont believe every book you read,they are written to sell,and yes no one would buy a book on true smuggling without it being jazzed-up a little because its a boring game for 99% of the time.chapter 6.......sat on my arse for 3 months in a hotel and things didnt work out........chapter 9....let down by a loose link in the chain so thats another move up the swanee that didnt pan out........chapter 12...etc,etc,etc,dont take it personal but not all books are 100% factual.more faction fiction and fact combined. were did mi5 f
  7. as i was saying sf .probly suit you in england that 1 on f/b for sale be easy bought the lad has its threw the head up.small fields here .wire.gates.Any pics and I'll have a look pal there was a clip up last night of it running see if i can get somebody stick it up .
  8. as i was saying sf .probly suit you in england that 1 on f/b for sale be easy bought the lad has its threw the head up.small fields here .wire.gates.
  9. I thought youd retired for all there dogs are doing he may as well be.
  10. thats the litter..1 in belfast cheap any english men looking it . seen it blanked the day again .thank fook i didnt buy lol
  11. not heros..think respect more the word.
  12. must be getting earlier every year hares seem to be turnig back very easy killed now.any use notice this.
  13. watched an old thing on utube last night about jack comer.aka.jack spot .he made a good living out of protecting the jews in london 1930s 40s..fighting mossleys outfit..so its been going on a bit..
  14. was offerd 1 there cheap 50quid sister of that sprinkle bitch he says its down of luke breeding.accidental mating da was only 8mths but might take a chance for 50 anybody know if their luke breed.
  15. case history ffs ive a record longer than perry como.
  16. thats the litter..1 in belfast cheap any english men looking it .
  17. ile just follow in my oul lads fingerprints ..instead of footsteps
  18. if everyone caught up in an armed robbery co.opperate its a victimless crime the insurance pays out ..the robber gets his few quid its forgot about very few victimless crimes, armed robbery deffo aint one. great train robbery Thought someone got his head bashed in ?....Having had my house done , no one in , no one injured , insurance paid out that's all ok then ...like fcuk .No amount of money makes it right ..Affected my kids for months , frightened to be the house alone for ages all because some piece of shite thief thinks its his fcuking right to help himself to my family's
  19. thats how the no go areas here started off......there still here 40yrs on
  20. if everyone caught up in an armed robbery co.opperate its a victimless crime the insurance pays out ..the robber gets his few quid its forgot about very few victimless crimes, armed robbery deffo aint one. great train robbery Thought someone got his head bashed in ?....Having had my house done , no one in , no one injured , insurance paid out that's all ok then ...like fcuk .No amount of money makes it right ..Affected my kids for months , frightened to be the house alone for ages all because some piece of shite thief thinks its his fcuking right to help himself to my family's
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