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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. the cat was dumping in the oul dolls garden after all..lol.was a bit even for bbc,
  2. ive 1 here got walloped a few times with them electric fences doesnt worry him,the other 1 got hit the once and hes dodgy round them ,there all different,
  3. seen some of these t.shirt muscle men doing the doors here lol,some people just have natural strength ,what i mean do people bulk out just to pose sure you cant put mussles on yer chin,
  4. let mine trot alongside the car,bout couple a mile.
  5. they remember but you can bring them round,put a wee barrier across you yard when your feeding him,then raise it every week its about confidence.
  6. throw another shovel of coal on,lol
  7. got a lemonade bottle of paraquat its been lying a few years ,does it go off ,was gonig to jeg it raw into the stem bit then water a bit down and spray a few times,
  8. got this growing up 1 side of the fence,is there anyway of killing this..i have good weedkiller here,would it still come through heavy plastic ,any idea folks.
  9. weve had a bit of trouble with these gun clubs a few times out coursing,we asked the farmer could we go on he says work away then yer man comes down the road screaming lol, he have 1 of them iwtf stickers in his car window said it was his clubs land lol,give some of these men an inch they take a mile..were still hunting there they put signs up but the farmer says take no notice of them they shouldnt be shooting hares anyway,
  10. i had 1 about 30 odd yr ago,foxhound.x greyhound would run on hunting even after the hare had juked it,had to be on slip all the time or hunted up miles in front lol,never again.
  11. nans pat


    some thing albert pierpoint would carry about,lol
  12. nans pat


    theres stuff i had yrs ago think its called barmans friend puts a high finish on brass after the brown sauce treatment,lol
  13. nans pat


    Yep. Cheers for that. Worked like a dream. Now I need the rope thing that attaches onto the clapper. What are they called? And don't say "bellend". ime after pouring a lot of brown sauce over my bacon n eggs there..wonder what it does to your stomach eh,lol
  14. nans pat


    did the brown sauce work,
  15. the greaseball Turk deserves all he gets hes in the right place now
  16. nans pat


    hp,brown sauce lave it on overnight
  17. hes in hospital,after being decorated in jail,lol..he only went in on tuesday.
  18. i knew an ould boy made a living during the war years rabbiting,anyway he was saying farmers used to ask him for maxi rabbits to let go,he used to get a pair of fresh rabbits and blow a bit of pepper in their eyes before he called to the farm,the good old days,ehh,
  19. their filming the day in the paint,hall belfast docks,
  20. air rifle,,need a licence here for 1,so they prob say their following suite,
  21. never watched it,but see them filming on the spot wee hunt on.antrim coast.
  22. our local jail crumlin rd belfast suppose to be haunted,plenty of hangings and such,i never seen none. but if the screws had of been ghosts they wouldnt have give you a fright. misirible shower of c##'s,lol,
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