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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. give ya the sleeves of my waistcoat,ime that dacent.lol
  2. Cheers MIK. Yes the end of the road I would of thought. stick a dickeybow on him ,he get a job on the door
  3. framton.1/80..in the bookies says it all,..hes saying hes the best super bantam in the world.lol..hes ducking rigo.
  4. over here because of the troubles ect theres a few corner boys in the assembly cant make tax laws ect ect..their getting 50k their [special advisors..mates] are on 95k,ffs its no more than a glorified council,,suppose you get what you vote for,
  5. why ask,you could buy a good overdose of heroin cheap enough,imo
  6. mine was doing the same barking all hours,i left him out in greyhound kennels a score a week.yer man came fed n waterd them then went home,he must have got fed up barking with nobody going near him,got him back 2 weeks later not a word outta him.
  7. gnash your mate shouldn't of been on his phone simples.its illegal mate and can cause major accidents you are talking about helmet cams not dashcams but the more eyes on drivers the better cyclists have as much right to the road i don't blame them for protecting themself what they come up against cyclists will have rights when they pay road tax,insurance.mot.
  8. yea, their gonna fook up the whiplash game,
  9. got 1 of handcock one time it was a nervy baxxxrd ,put it in the cage on the liverpool boat and it performed like a wllick, got it home and it hid under the oil tank for 2 days.lol ended up not a nerve init,turned in to a great fox dog... also a great watch dog,watched every bite you ate,
  10. ya wanna see what we have representing here,
  11. must be thinking of lassie..lol [no mate not lassie,just the best irish bred dog,just unfortunately not living in ireland/quote] best irish bred dog whos that then.
  12. hunting with hounds,,are greyhounds covered here,their hounds after all.
  13. same here,they want us to live in bugie cages and do fook all..lol
  14. he has a point,over here we get more trouble from the coursing club than the antis,
  15. nans pat


    cover her the marra again,
  16. naming people hunting is bad news mac,you seem friendly with these coursing club boys who are worse than the antis,what you on about no permission on a bog nobody owns them bogs,
  17. think my pups dish came out of the dishwasher when hes finished.lol.
  18. them coursing club men are worse,get a bit cheek of them before,lol.they dont own no hares and as soon as they get that through their heads the better,
  19. some good brass about the internet,fook the love story bit,
  20. paddy power has it,klitch 1/5..evens ko,tko,7/4 points. fury..7/2.ko.tko.15/2..points 11/2. and yes paddys still drivind a rolls royce,lol
  21. snap can take your dog's sscwell yea take the dogs,,go plenty weekends in winter,hunting ground bout 5mile up the road,fishing on doorstep, what else do ya need,
  22. how come its legal in 1 part of the uk and not the rest,surely thats a loophole for equality laws,
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