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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. coursing will never be banned here,but them coursing clubs need manners put on them thinking they own the hares,
  2. yea that black tar for the wood,block floor do the job,
  3. school project ,or whos land its on is one of them antis.
  4. wat neck of the woods you in,
  5. theres one the top of the mountain loney,facing top of whiterock rd,theres a famous1 outside dundalk on the oul dublin rd you wont miss it evert time were going hunting their cued up with 5 gallon drums watever the attraction is,
  6. cant have a few..i be 2 days at it if i touch one,
  7. ground here hard as feck ,watch their feet
  8. They certainly look as if they have a good back on them mate . Lovely condition you could iron yer jeans on them,lol
  9. think your supposed to have them done here,nobody i know does them to easy traced on a hunting dog.accidents ect.
  10. just give the local wineos,went to school with a few of them.just the way the cookie crumbles
  11. i just throw mine full rabbits never does them any harm,
  12. these new shape cars are a rigmarole these brains sensors ec..oul shape audi estate,a4 1.9tdi best of the lot if you can find a good straight 1.
  13. wish they hurry up and go back,til the sun comes out..lol
  14. i had some touches outta skips,i had a deal with the head of matenince in 3 hospitials here,every other week skip fulls lol it was great mostl stainless,alibongo,the oul heavy rads ect,anyway he took redundancy and that was the job fooked,some idiot took over during the cutbacks now he pays a recycleing firm to take the skips away work that 1 out,
  15. bit of 4inch plastic pipe cut a line down 1 side stretsh open and slip on the top,be like parkhurst yard,lol
  16. angela rippon aye would have give her 1 for ulster,lol
  17. that oul 1 used to read the news,bit of a jukey eye bout the 70s,
  18. How much road work do you do?Not sure to be honest but when we're out mooching it involves a lot of country roads and fields unless I'm at graft then it's a few mile in the morning and a few in the evening Sound mate. Suppose it's hard to say really wether it's the road work or luck. I'm not shy about road work and my last bitch needed her nails cutting weekly. They grew fast. My brindle bitch is similar. Whereas my pup is 7 months old and I've never had to cut them and they don't seem to grow, and she doesn't get much road work at the moment... mines the same hes 5 now i
  19. that hop picking in them photos on the other thread looked good times,bit hard maybe but good,roaming the country no school no worries,
  20. were did the red nose bulls come into it,are these a hybrid type,
  21. judge ordered he be pulled in by the trunks or hes nicked lol
  22. if theres a local greyhound track near you go there you get the minced beef 1/2 that price,
  23. He won't, because he didn't turn up ! is he above the law, was a warent issued,
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