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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. the ones caught ,once it dies down will probably have a deal like blairs get out of free cards.imo.if you want to stiff anybody wear gloves,mask, ect,no dna..if yer caught by the balls mr,pierpoint awaits you...bring back the death penalty for murder
  2. 35 yrs is fxxk all wilf ..sometime killings the only way,read the history of the black n tans in the county yer living in now,..my fight for irish freedom.by dan breen..on another mans wounds..tom barry,2 of mick collins main triggermen, Talk about words coming back to haunt you huh Nans ? look at paris the night not even their country..and we think wer bad of.
  3. loads here...and less young hares seen when out walking.
  4. the ones in the bushes here are usually blonde hair gobblers,lol
  5. corbyn on the radio there saying he should have bin arrested not killed.
  6. hes just doing a lap of honour..they settle down.
  7. Not had any action shots sent or any complaints mate.. just saying seen it posted on lots of lads pages its supposed to be promoting lurcher work,also about the lord appointed to the commitie,surelly the toffs wont help ordinary dog men.That lord is a real down to earth fella, you'd have to meet him to see,he's a belter should of been a scouser haha and his bird Clarissa haha both of them get my vote every time atb AT a down to earth lord..lol..heard it all now,i googled him there hes in every thing but the crib at xmas.
  8. Not had any action shots sent or any complaints mate.. just saying seen it posted on lots of lads pages its supposed to be promoting lurcher work,also about the lord appointed to the commitie,surelly the toffs wont help ordinary dog men.
  9. 35 yrs is fxxk all wilf ..sometime killings the only way,read the history of the black n tans in the county yer living in now,..my fight for irish freedom.by dan breen..on another mans wounds..tom barry,2 of mick collins main triggermen,I have been studying the history mate, I know savage stuff happened but it's comes down to this, when does it end......for the young generation mate, not for old men, for the kids ? Your right wilf I don't agree with killings on either side, the answer to your question is in my opinion it wont ever end until Ireland is given back its 6 counties, the generatio
  10. hear a few lads complaining about this page,wont put up action shots [legal]they have posted in,hardly a good start .
  11. 35 yrs is fxxk all wilf ..sometime killings the only way,read the history of the black n tans in the county yer living in now,..my fight for irish freedom.by dan breen..on another mans wounds..tom barry,2 of mick collins main triggermen,I have been studying the history mate, I know savage stuff happened but it's comes down to this, when does it end......for the young generation mate, not for old men, for the kids ? Your right wilf I don't agree with killings on either side, the answer to your question is in my opinion it wont ever end until Ireland is given back its 6 counties, the generatio
  12. maybe its hard for an englishman to understand wilf,the ones you talk of sitting in stormont have jacked theve no say now how things go,its a generational thing rearming recruiting ect till the spark lights again,theirs only one solution.
  13. 35 yrs is fxxk all wilf ..sometime killings the only way,read the history of the black n tans in the county yer living in now,..my fight for irish freedom.by dan breen..on another mans wounds..tom barry,2 of mick collins main triggermen, I have been studying the history mate, I know savage stuff happened but it's comes down to this, when does it end......for the young generation mate, not for old men, for the kids ? its some of the kids now who will take up the baton in the future thats the way its always been.there was no troubles on when we were kids it just started again and we ended u
  14. 35 yrs is fxxk all wilf ..sometime killings the only way,read the history of the black n tans in the county yer living in now,..my fight for irish freedom.by dan breen..on another mans wounds..tom barry,2 of mick collins main triggermen,
  15. 25 or 30? I'm only aware of the 1 incident involving joy riders.... To be fair the whole thing was unnecessarily drawn out and prolonged by the cowardice of the British government. Their determination to seek a political solution resulted in the ham stringing of the Army. The whole affair could have been dealt with in s few nights work had the gloves come off properly. The American influence on this decision cannot be over stated. It is also a lesson in counter insurgency, and the necessity of a political solution if wholesale genocide/ethnic cleansing is to be avoided. There will come a
  16. graffeti artists summed the odds up,13 dead but not forgotten we got 18 and mountbatten,
  17. its going tit for tat francie, just like the politicians on the hill, the country is fecked, just run by murderers and money hungry shitehawks, keeping us at eachothers throats keeps them in the hundred grand plus cushty jobs with benefits, whilst theyre sneeking the immigrants in the back door adding to the pressure cooker but...but...we only get the average industrial wage cxxts.
  18. oul farmer here caught a traveller searching round his gaff blasted him twice in the back,then bate him like a badger with a lump of wood he pleaded he done a couple of yrs and was released after a petition signed by thousands,all home owners should have the option of at least a shotgun,bet the break ins would drop dramaticly.
  19. stick muzzle on her couple hours a day and apply manuka honey,works.
  20. after wars places usually awash with weapons,see headline here yesterday guns for rent.lol
  21. great articles the one i had a bitch bout,24,25tts came from yorkshire way as a pup bred for flappin ,fxxk could it kill hares,
  22. knew an oul boy was in 1 of them jap camps,said they was bad baxxxxxs,
  23. war and that is what it was.......then surely there should be a hague style court system to try war criminals,there were plenty of them.
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