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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. working in the graveyard on your owns when you hear the voices
  2. hundreds of them here, just need a war on them rushes were their hiding.
  3. I've never heard of intrusive thoughts gaz.whats that all about. Involuntary thoughts that you shouldn't be having King mate. Used to get them bad when was going through trouble with my ex and not seeing my little girl for a few months. I'm pretty chilled and content now and get them far less frequent. Weird shit I won't get into on here. Not suicidal thoughts at all. Just your mind telling you to do something you shouldn't just for a split second then it goes. thats how ole peter started off,lol
  4. my names pat and ime an alcoholic. no serious but i cant have 1 and leave it i couldnt go in a pub and have 2 pints or at home 4 or 5 cans i drink till i stuble in to bed.lol
  5. 13083324_1199154470096636_1239266943970406228_n.jpglol cheek of him to mention dick turpin
  6. a4 estate oul shape it has to be 1.9tdi
  7. fury n hearn at it on facebook, fury,aj stole my belt, hearn,come fight then n get it back.lol have to agree with the other post about inactivity 1 n 2 fights a year.
  8. is one of their leaders not a chink,some cheek to tell anybody about cruelty.lol
  9. You are potentially saving a childs life, thats the reward. When i was a kid i needed a transfusion, soon as I was old enough to think about that I gave blood. I moved abroad and due to the BSE in the Uk they didnt want my claret when I went to donate!? just knew a few blokes were on the boats they said they used to sell it,money for a drink
  10. do they pay you for it,
  11. will she vote out in the brexit vote,after all it was her and her ilk brought them here.
  12. was that not yer mans name who was over with the repton club the time they boxed here in the dockers club.
  13. your the only one who mentioned greyhounds,how stupid of you making remarks on the inter net.
  14. its taken two weeks when it should of taken Five days at the most but were busy and squeezing it in when we can and it helps it's ten minutes doen the road and that's three including me so 3 tree fellers on a grand a day by that rate sorry matey thats bollocks i know alot of tree lads and its not that good of a pay day if you had esitmated right and it took 5 days but now your going to lose money doesnt make sense yep the mate has a couple of headers working on trees in england 30quid a day they get and think themselves lucky,he picks them illegals up or low intelligence looking scr
  15. people should be dropping rabbits of 6here 9 there that sort of thing.all i see is the english lads ferreting and necking rabbits,ive never seen this over here anybody i know all keep um live. You do know they're edible ?Most lads as you say neck them as most lads are not messers. their also 7quid each at the dog track,thiers fellas labouring alday for 60quid.That's true but I doubt you'd get a mortgage on that basis lol. ano,but you get the price of a fish supper on a bad day.lol
  16. people should be dropping rabbits of 6here 9 there that sort of thing. all i see is the english lads ferreting and necking rabbits,ive never seen this over here anybody i know all keep um live. You do know they're edible ? Most lads as you say neck them as most lads are not messers. their also 7quid each at the dog track,thiers fellas labouring alday for 60quid.
  17. people should be dropping rabbits of 6here 9 there that sort of thing. all i see is the english lads ferreting and necking rabbits,ive never seen this over here anybody i know all keep um live.
  18. nans pat


    i usuall just do the irish lotto in the bookies,3 numbers pays 660 quid for a pound
  19. seen that vid of him at the fox
  20. steep them in peterel same as big joe joyce does with his fists,lol
  21. over here were not to bad .ie.as carrying game home in the car,see a few vids of them english lads just slinging hares into the ditch after a good course awful waste imo.
  22. aye good oul doo innit,i seen that beardie boy does the commentating think hes place here in donegal he was walking about budgie smuggling with the speedos on whats his craig is it like tircles topic.
  23. is josh warrinton the night..usual link.lol
  24. yer man king who has lots of dogs here had back tractor tyres with a nest of straw in the middle.lol.they were in a shed .
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