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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. is that mark brick advertising cottages on f,book
  2. seen 1 of them holy ones..god saves.... somebody sprayed below it..and best scores on the rebound...
  3. 12ffs..thats still the middle of the night on sundays.
  4. some idiots would have gone in to save the dog,fxxk that.
  5. should have them pulling rickshaws barefoot,
  6. mines were already docked when i got it mister,doh..got it off the gypsies down the rd there,think theve moved on now.
  7. anybody remember the good old days, just thinking back there,our oul parish priest was a rubbish ventriloquist.. he used to stick his fingers up my hole and tell me to say nothing.
  8. you can become desentisited,doesnt make you a killer but you dont give a fxck sometime you hear somebody gets clipped.
  9. You don't need rights, you have white privileged! That's basically why so many blacks and browns drowned in the Med this year.......... it's white folk not rescuing them fast enough and not taking them to swimming lessons! Seriously couldn't make it up. That last point was f***ing hilarious! "And finally, we BLM are cunting everybody off across the UK going about their lives because so many of us non white folk have drowned this year! It's a terrible thing that society must do something about!" f***ing LOL. Talk about misplaced responsibility! dont think they can swim,you never see th
  10. romania are going well. they have taken gold,silver.copper,lead,and anything else they can get their hands on.lol
  11. You don't need rights, you have white privileged! That's basically why so many blacks and browns drowned in the Med this year.......... it's white folk not rescuing them fast enough and not taking them to swimming lessons! Seriously couldn't make it up. That last point was f***ing hilarious! "And finally, we BLM are cunting everybody off across the UK going about their lives because so many of us non white folk have drowned this year! It's a terrible thing that society must do something about!" f***ing LOL. Talk about misplaced responsibility! dont think they can swim,you never see th
  12. if its in the brain.say you crossed peter sutcliffe with rose west do you think the kid would be a baddun. i wonder how the fred an rose litter turned out probably turned out like them wee concrete knomes when they got them from under the patio.
  13. if its in the brain.say you crossed peter sutcliffe with rose west do you think the kid would be a baddun.
  14. "There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter." Ernest Hemingway I think for some, that can easily be paraphrased to be the hunting of all men, not just armed men. you get a taste for it then.it seems
  15. are them snipers serial killers or is that fine.
  16. once you do the first one it becomes easier.a serial killer says to us in the pub one day.lol he was serious as fxxk theres a few round here they just seem normal blokes.
  17. enoch powell warned about all this 50yrs ago.and nobody was listening.
  18. thon idiot corbyn on saying dont jump to conclusions.ffs does he never stop putting his foot innit.
  19. parts of that slemish over heres like that.lol
  20. fella in castlepollard,westmeath alan used to breed them.havent seen him in a few yrs..he prob be at that fair in birr castle.
  21. i like the fancy words fishery officers..their bailiffs.. and you may no thats a bad name to have in ireland.they deserve all they get.can never see it a thing of the past.
  22. aye,scummy cxxts them clubs,think they own the hares not before time they get a bit of stick.(hurley stick)lol
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