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nans pat

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Everything posted by nans pat

  1. just rip the t/shirt up.wrap it till i get home.
  2. fill the holes with diesel,oul car oil
  3. just keep putting the honey on,it deffo works.
  4. watered down sheep dip in a spray bottle,2r3 times a yr.
  5. all turned out well,dunno the river but manys a person has lost their lives going in after a dog.
  6. bj saunders has jumped on the bandwagon,zes hel bate gg.lol
  7. every time ya slip yer taking a risk,its part of the game,
  8. That's a baby that DSCF4143.JPG aye.lol..but i get his ma n da another day.
  9. hes on f/b now.lol..he only joking its the press to blame.. taxi for broadmoor.
  10. that 1 jumped this mornin,.2 bends ffs...sure what can ya do.....saluki,irish terrier,grew.
  11. there will be a white master some were back in his ancestry.. his granda.lol
  12. That was my first thought. I've seen a few real good hares on the lamp but usually December January time. It's good to just get out though and see other dogs run lads so fair play. aye its the season,it would be rude not to slip.lol..ony saying the hares are soft now and some think they have world beaters the way their bumming on f/b.
  13. go on f/b and see the pics from today,dogs killing them now wont do it in winter.same every yr.
  14. hares are like maxi rabbits at the minute,long grass,still feeding,fat,theres boys thinking they have champion dogs now,bet its a different story come dec,jan.
  15. It would be strait out lol thought it was a clear lid
  16. warning signs are seen as intent by insurance comps.like beware of dog ect.
  17. looks like back to living in the caravan.
  18. nans pat


    some saying they will use drones here to monitor the land border here after brexit.
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