A mod kindly cleared your earlier abuse mak, now if youv had one to many it might be better to leave it till the morning an stop ruining the topicyou put my name up here first ya snake that's rich comin from you saying no ruin topics
sean and nancy lynn ye 2 clowns are old enough to see whats going on grow pair and get down here and sort it,any sign of that pure sean?i doubt it with all the negativity you have given fellow members
hope ye still fit into your santa outfit lol
ffs your 36
i wish
i was being kind to your uncle lol
fck sure he s 61 lol got buss pass last year lmao
lucky bstard he could be in cork for a hunt cost him f**k all
banter you and your mates have been called out to cork for match like your mate nan pratt a f**kin dreamer lol
wee nuts we are just having a bit craic with rio an alls good run along if your looking an argument
sean you your mate with radar s ryan and the filmaker get in yer cars drive down and we sort it like men ya dreamer lol
hope ye still fit into your santa outfit lol
ffs your 36
i wish
i was being kind to your uncle lol
fck sure he s 61 lol got buss pass last year lmao
lucky bstard he could be in cork for a hunt cost him f**k all
banter you and your mates have been called out to cork for match like your mate nan pratt a f**kin dreamer lol
rio mog has your saluki killed hares?is this the same saluki you had the borrow the money off annie to buy?you seem a dreamer like banter and nans pat lol
Makattack they will be one of the best litters bred. Crow being a forley cup winner having lost 1 match in her career. Jack x Snowy. Then scouser barney x Judie. Nipper x Kim x Buddy x Molly.
cant wait for my pup pal i have good feeling bout them and bred by 2 top coursing men