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Everything posted by makattack

  1. Probaby the best 2 bitch's running in uk at the moment mate gyp done you proud tho pal
  2. just seen BF big red dog run at 7year old OMG
  3. fair play to you john thats what your into go for it, iv showed my bitch to a lot of men in ireland all winter, and next season il show any 1 in ireland her going on any land in ireland il slip her at a hare anywhere but as iv said loads of times iv no intrest in england, but as you say each to there own your bitch sounds like a good un bm good luck with her for the seasons ahead
  4. shit sorry ice forgot im the only one thats got it one second get on rosie 2/2 on fen lol
  5. what a run panther just had on this dvd
  6. you might be hunting 25 years but how long are you hare hunting? and when was your first trip to england? makattack there has been a lot of these top dogs found out in louth they didnt put on the brakes but they didnt have the speed to control a hare thats a fact. so in my opinion if the dog not good enough for ireland than theres no point it being good in england onless your living there, bottom line is you need a dog for where your hunting simple as that. 25 years at everything ive been to england simple wether it was this year or 10 years ago i was still there and will go everytime i g
  7. you might be hunting 25 years but how long are you hare hunting? and when was your first trip to england? makattack there has been a lot of these top dogs found out in louth they didnt put on the brakes but they didnt have the speed to control a hare thats a fact. so in my opinion if the dog not good enough for ireland than theres no point it being good in england onless your living there, bottom line is you need a dog for where your hunting simple as that. 25 years at everything ive been to england simple wether it was this year or 10 years ago i was still there and will go everytime i g
  8. you might be hunting 25 years but how long are you hare hunting? and when was your first trip to england? makattack there has been a lot of these top dogs found out in louth they didnt put on the brakes but they didnt have the speed to control a hare thats a fact. so in my opinion if the dog not good enough for ireland than theres no point it being good in england onless your living there, bottom line is you If your need a dog for where your hunting simple as that.In that case your limiting yourself to where you can run your dog.A hare dog should be able to hunt any where a hare is. icey ho
  9. you might be hunting 25 years but how long are you hare hunting? and when was your first trip to england? makattack there has been a lot of these top dogs found out in louth they didnt put on the brakes but they didnt have the speed to control a hare thats a fact. so in my opinion if the dog not good enough for ireland than theres no point it being good in england onless your living there, bottom line is you need a dog for where your hunting simple as that. 25 years at everything ive been to england simple wether it was this year or 10 years ago i was still there and will go everytime i g
  10. lookin foward to seeing it bigliks i bet kc is buzzing his bitch is on the cover lol
  11. i know what your saying mucky paws but if we looked at it like that what would the point in keeping dogs here in ireland?? unless your running the fens every week your dogs not fully tested, thats whats been saidNo one saying that what there saying is its a harder test,in ireland there's to many excuses when a dog misses i know what your saying mucky paws but if we looked at it like that what would the point in keeping dogs here in ireland?? unless your running the fens every week your dogs not fully tested, thats whats been saidNo one saying that what there saying is its a harder test,
  12. i no every spot down here BM im hunting round here 25 years and yes there is a very good hare down here and in louth and your not wrong alot of places you go you will find mr right a few times and no dog will stop um its simple but to compare both isnt right me personally i prefer england i like to see big desert land but thats me you prefer ireland thats you,alot of men in ireland dont fancy going to the fen just in case their dog is found out plus alot of time its hard to get invited no heart no lungs=brakes lol
  13. hes a fine stamp jiggy lad good luck with him
  14. no mucky paws iv never been in the fens and to be honest iv no desire to be, i get enough hunting local and if i want to test my dog i go to louth or cork big land and good hares, and if my dogs wasent able to catch a rabbit on the fens i wouldnt care because il not be going there BM you just said you have to travel to cork and louth to test your dogs so are you saying the hares local to you are shite?,i hunt the biggest land in ireland week after week in cork but you cant compare the big land in cork to the fen its ridiculous if your dog gets a long race here he has a ditch or farm or ga
  15. if you bring anymore dogs in the wife will fcuk you out lol
  16. watch the dvd again it will cheer you up lol
  17. you on the happy tablets again lad lol
  18. you will enjoy it i guarantee you see the old dog and alot of his off spring do the job on big small sandy heavy hard land
  19. defo the best dvd showing irish bred dogs stopping proper winter FEN ha**s
  20. irish bred dogs on the strongest fen h**es in england some watch
  21. great watch some good races big land small land it has it all well worth a look you see some young dogs run really well off lucas
  22. Good post brazer plus no doubled up runs that shite boils my piss lol
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