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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Looking good Chris. What is in the mix? Atb
  2. Very nice marshman, I like that style of dog. Atb, good hunting :-)
  3. Sorry to hear this, rotten as you well know. Just can't understand why anyone would want to steal a man's ferrets. Make it real hard for them, get it known about. Sorry fella. Atb
  4. Fantastic pics, really like them. Atb
  5. Waardenburg syndrome? Sounds very dodgey the silver to silver breeding.For the ignorant ( me ), could you explain what the syndrome is please.Atb
  6. Seems like a good idea. I have not kept in a metal shed. Sounds like you have thought it out well, and in theory the stalls should muffle. Will have to see if anyone has done the same, but in theory sounds good. You will be ok with that cock you got anyway :-) Atb
  7. Hope it's ok. Try natural yogurt too fella for his guts. Atb
  8. Reminiscing, can't beat it :-). Aye them were the days :-) Good pic. Atb
  9. Recorded, will watch tonight. Atb
  10. Actually, they all look great. Atb
  11. Nice mate, I like the grey rough coated one best. Atb
  12. No chicken man but have watched them. i have spent a lot of time in cumbria i used to follow a beagle pack there years ago which i prefered to watch. Ok mate :-)
  13. July hounds are supposed to have some greyhound in them. They are a little leggier it seems than running Walkers. Both are mostly used for coyote's, and run to catch. What I don't understand is the value of larger hounds for hunting. I have some experience with bear hounds, and they are generally smaller. They may have to run for several hours, and have enough left to keep a bear in a tree, or keep him pegged while not getting killed if he won't climb. 45-60# is about average for them. Usually it's the type of country you hunt that dictates the size of your hounds, not the size of your q
  14. Still a good number :-) Best of luck. Atb
  15. Do you run trail hounds darbo? Atb
  16. I have 4 daughters :-) Phew, hard work. And they can pay for there own weddings en all lol:-)
  17. No mate, don't take soil away, just loosen the roots in prep for moving. Leave it in place after soil and all. Helps to reduce shock. Atb
  18. Great vids lads. Atb Would like to see fox hounds giving mouth
  19. As the One says again. You could loosen the roots, leaving them in place preparing them for moving. Bear in mind fir tree roots spread out more, not like hardwoods. Shallow root systems, but more spread out. Keep well watered and steaked
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