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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Very good Donna. I like your style :-) Atb
  2. Now why am I not surprised that you might be getting Rhea :-). You have a wee zoo there. Bet folk enjoy visiting your place :-) I might hatch a batch, but probably would have to give light.and vits later on to get decent results. Late hatching can result in them being a bit stunted, I don't want that, would be a waste. So I have actually talked myself out of it :-) sensible outcome really. Good luck :-)
  3. If she already has young at 5 wks I think.you will be pushing it. Atb
  4. Usually I would stop now, purely for light and growing on. But I'm tempted to hatch one more batch :-) You know.what it's like, just one more :-) Thanks folks. Atb
  5. When do folks consider too.late for hatching?
  6. I have done it couple days before, also when pipping and as day old, depending on broody type. Silkie x are just about bomb proof. All these things are a gamble, just keep your eye on them. Others may have different ideas. Best of luck I wouldn't be keen on mixing very young chicks with older one's though. I would only do this if broody was on dummy eggs before hand
  7. Interesting reading. Pure propaganda. Sad thing is, people will believe that :-(
  8. The grey one looks like he will have a good shoulder width on him. Atb
  9. Nice Navek :-). I like the background they are in too. Atb
  10. Enjoyed it very much :-) An excellent find. Thanks for sharing :-) Atn
  11. Good looking grubbing, digging, hoe type tool mate. Like the look of that a lot :-) Handy bloke you :-) Atb
  12. Love the.Border. Got a wee fella myself. Best of luck with him. What have you named him?
  13. Been spoilt today by my ladies :-) Lovely day :-) Atb
  14. What time, and where do I pick him up please? Very kind of you :-). Lovely :-)
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