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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. I see them now, thanks. They're very nice. Good luck with them and keep me in mind if you ever have any spare :-) Ha, will do :-)
  2. Ha, Went to forestry college myself :-) Atb
  3. Aye, they are on the move, especially after rain :-) Atb
  4. Nice dogs mate, really like 2nd one down. Atb
  5. Get some pics up of this yrs young stock OEG Bantys fella. Ta
  6. They look ok. A bit like a Dark Grey in colour. Definitely 1 stag there, can't really see any others. Little OEG Banty looks a good shape. Atb
  7. James95! Post some pics when your done. Atb
  8. Greyface! I posted a pic or 2 on a thread a week or 3 ago with my Gingers. Take a look over. Atb
  9. Congratulations :-) :-) :-)
  10. Good idea is the net curtain :-). Every day is a school day :-) Atb
  11. Very good offer. Hope all goes well. Atb
  12. Bonny dogs mate. Atb with them :-)
  13. Greyface! That's great information :-) Atb I managed to get some Gingers after all.
  14. Hi James, There are threads/posts further back if you sift through them. Some by ukroosterman, devonflighter and others. Standard size flight pen for 1 bird is about 4'x4' for pair's about 4'x8' ish. I have permanent pens 2mx4m for pairs. Others folk may differ. Barrels and tethers are great for single bird's. I have made them with perch on top, perch inside, wired up the bottom and made it so a door can go on at night. Easily moveable for fresh grass. Hope this helps :-) Atb
  15. Another good kids.activity for the summer holidays :-)
  16. My girls found these tiny fogs today or flogs as they call them :-)
  17. Dear Vin, I'm getting much more intolerant and. Cynical. Is it an age thing? Antis and folk with no understanding of countryside way of life are my main targets! Brian May is bringing the worst out of me at the moment. What can I do ? :-) atb
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