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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Pissing down here. Hot days few and far between. Roll on winter ;-) might be better ;-) I am very much looking forward to the new season. Atb
  2. As stated, but try not to grab at him or pull away too much. Be confident and pick your moment when to pick up. Atb
  3. Well :-) There you go. I know nothing about Asian fowl :-) Hopefully learning a bit though. Atb
  4. Shame. Are they shamo? Excuse my ignorance. Atb
  5. They look well mate, but the pullet/hen on the left is a beauty, stands out . Shamo? Atb
  6. Phantom pregnancy! All will be well :-) Atb
  7. spot on that, see the difference when you put a rabbit in with a litter of growing kitts them ripping in to it like giant maggots! its a full body workout wouldnt get that with dry food... but is handy to have a bag on hand if cant get outYes mate, it's good to see them. Aye they do look like seething maggots, a good way of describing it :-)Atb
  8. Hi, I used to feed with complete ferret food, now flesh only. I'm positive feeding flesh/carcasses has a very positive effect for them. They are much more content, good teeth, keen etc. Not only does it fill there bellies, imo I think it fulfills other needs (more natural). So behaviourally better for them, a form of enrichment. Atb
  9. Looking good lad. That wee broody Banty looks a good mother :-) Them youngsters will be lifting her up off the ground soon when they go under her lol ;-) Atb
  10. gvc them dogs are very smart. Someone I know had one, very similar to the bitch. Seen it working and I was impressed. Very strong prey drive. Atb
  11. Yes they do deserve respect. Atb
  12. Good job :-) Fits nicely in there. Atb
  13. Well done mate. The hard work paid off :-) Good looking bird's, credit where credits due :-) Atvb
  14. Best of luck :-). Looking forward to the updates :-) Atvb
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