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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Great pics, looks like you had a good do :-)
  2. I think because he/she wrote in it. I have a liking for Black Grouse, would love to hatch some. Atb
  3. Very nice :-) Good colour, same as mine. Atb
  4. No mate, The writing inside! But I see now he is referring to a harrier, think it's nest failed. Fantastic wildlife artist, look on Google. Atb
  5. Brilliant :-) Well done to the lass :-) Atb
  6. TC, how did you like this dog out of interest? Atb
  7. Picked this framed greetings card up today by Donald Watson a famous wildlife artist specializing in birds who died 2005. Inside the card it is from he and his wife. Not sure who to but sent in 1981. Would like to know what bird they are referring to in the writing. Thought you may find it interesting. Atb
  8. Very nice mate. Hope it turns out a stag. Atb
  9. Great pics and good looking ground. Looks easy digging :-) Atb
  10. Considerably bigger. Are they still kicking about? I read the other day that they are much easier to breed if the cock bird is raised with chicks/bantys from the word go, as they believe themselves to be Bantys/chickens themselves Would make more sense I suppose than trying to use a wild one! Does the hybrid itself breed? Or are they sterile? Just wondering. Would be good to follow the progress as it all happens if you go ahead with it. I love this sort of thing, traditional type things. Hoping to raise a few pheasant nxt yr in the traditional manner broodys, broody pens etc. Atb
  11. Hi Stevo, Can you put some pics up of your Dorkings? Would like to see what they look like. Atb
  12. Sorry to hear this :-( I really hope all comes good for you and your team. All the very best
  13. That's very good advice and encouraging, plus a kind offer of advice. Take him up on it! Atb
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