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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Just picked up this pair from car boot sale. Ex army. Very comfortable, I just put leather laces in. Will keep an eye open for another pair :-) Atb
  2. Phil! This is my old boy, father to the one I have now. He was a fair lad :-) Atb
  3. He's not getting rid yet,but I think he will,he doesn't listen to anyone and things are getting worse so won't have a choice. I'm not sure I'd take her even if I could,I haven't got room for an indoor dog (especially one that isn't house trained),and not sure how she'd cope moving outside as well as moving house not to mention the work of bringing her round,which isn't something I have any experience in doing. If it came to it I may take her and re-home her myself. Goodonya for showing such a caring attitude.... BUT,....do be aware,...the Pastoral breeds are not like other c
  4. He shouldn't have her or deserve her! This type of collie in the right hands make very loyal dog's. The man has no idea! Take her away and give her a fresh start, leave her past behind and go forward with her. If she stays there it will just get worse. Atb
  5. Hope you have some great and memorable times! It takes some beating :-) Atb
  6. Cracking that :-) great wee dogs, keen as owt :-) Ayb
  7. I've been thinking about this recently and I would have to leave the country if it ever happens. Atb
  8. Cheers keeper, the lad is now sorted. Atb
  9. I know a lad looking for some pure, but not much joy. They look tip top as usual :-) Atb
  10. Hi, Are these one's pure shamo or Cross? Cheers
  11. Your very welcome, but we best not count the chickens before they hatch :-) lol Atvb
  12. Will see if they eventually produce a dark blue, will have keeper eley written on it ;-) Atb
  13. Keeper eley, These 2 I left with a pal, I'll ask him to pair them up in a yr or 2 if they turn out ok! Nice looking bird's I reckon. Atb Not keen on white bread feeding though but seem real healthy, doing a good job. Atb
  14. I like the red/partridge coloured one's. Blues the Spanish?
  15. Brilliant :-) Hard as nails, someone to look up to. Atb
  16. Yes mate, had some weights in a rucksack for training in the past. Would struggle now I think :-) lol. Maybe not so good on the knees either eh? Won't be doing it now though, managed to put on my own extra weight :-) Atb
  17. He's a cracker, but tbh they all look good. Atb
  18. I like them TC, especially the top and bottom one's. Atb
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