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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Someone upset ye pabs? Haha you on the moonshine again ? Haha atb ATStill off the fags AT?Atb
  2. A pal feeds on dry, they aren't as fit or as driven I'm sure. If they eat whole rabbit, they know what there hunting I reckon! Flesh is better for well being and it's natural! The whole process of eating flesh with fur and feather still attached must be better mentally and physically.
  3. Great Gaz! Had one of my young hobs out today! 2 burys, 2 rabbits :-). Left it at tha. He took to it well, working through the bury no problem. No messing about at hole entries when picking up. I'm sure flesh feeding makes a big difference in there attitude to work! What's your thoughts? Atb
  4. No mate :-) it'll need a bit more than 60mins.Atb
  5. Passing on skills and knowledge, learning new ways, adapting and being able to change things also. Atb
  6. I like that! Well put :-) Atb
  7. Looks great so she does :-) Atb
  8. That's a great start :-) I'm out this Saturday coming, will take one youngster with me. I was gonna ask if you had bolted for the pup, so it would be good to hear how you get on. Have a great day tomorrow. Atb
  9. I like the colour of that young fella! Real dark isn't he? Atb
  10. This has the makings of another good thread! Interesting :-) Atb
  11. Great :-) looks like a female, they are much browner in colour. My dog got bit once after stuffing his face into one. Whole head swelled up, rushed to vet for a jag and a few days recovering all was well. Vet told me to have some anti histamine tabs on me to give if in adder country. Great pic :-) Atb
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