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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Here we go :-) Be pens all over your spot now :-)
  2. It's not looking good for tomorrow, but let's see.Atb
  3. I popped an adult in and got a.bolt. This one is just a youngster, so no rush. HedgeCrawlers others were in season I believe. Atb
  4. Had a youngster did that today. Will let it mature and take it out next season. Atb
  5. Yeh, I'm wi sacs, dogs insured 3rd party too. Will check public liability.Atb Just checked, covers everything.Atb Unless you get paid for the job ?Oh :-) I'm ok with that, not the boys who do it for a living though!Atb
  6. Nice terrier belucky. Love the one with the lurchers and terrier treehands. Atb
  7. What you thinking on?Tidy Russell, spaniel X terrier, something along them lines. In an ideal world I would drop on a failed earth dog but they seem like rocking horse shit to people like me. Obviously kept in tight circles, understandably. Sounds good. I'm thinking you won't be waiting long. Looking forward to seeing the new addition and another chapter in the hunting game. Best of luck, the right one will turn up. Atb
  8. Yeh, I'm wi sacs, dogs insured 3rd party too. Will check public liability.Atb Just checked, covers everything.Atb
  9. Yeh, I'm wi sacs, dogs insured 3rd party too. Will check public liability.Atb
  10. Getting a wee busher gaz for the lurchers? You will enjoy that, it's a great mooch out. Atb
  11. Hi mate, Eggs may of been layed in the nest at different intervals when she first started brooding, before you moved her, by other hens. So may be staggered. You could always pop remaining eggs in bator if concerned, but give her time first. Just a thought. Atb
  12. I only have an Asil stag and a couple of Yanks, but no recent pics. Had a bad season last yr, lost a few, but getting some back. When I do, I'll get some up. Atb
  13. Very nice bird's mate, stunning. Top and third one down for me. Shiny, healthy bird's. As keeper said - credit to you. Atb
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