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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Them pups sound like handy tools. My collie will smash through any cover also. I've always said they would do anything if given the chance. But not all folk like them. Atb
  2. Do you still have one? My collie picked up marking fast.Atb
  3. Cheers mate. Your bitch is good too. Good walk out today.Atb
  4. No mate, was dark when I got back. Will take one tomorrow.Atb
  5. Keep taking him. The more he goes the better. Let him use his nose, learn to read him. A good marking dog is worth it's weight in gold. Atb
  6. Well done mate queer looking rabbit that. How did the dog take to it this time? Was it showing much interest? How did it react when the rabbits bolted/netted? Did it chase the runner? Atb
  7. That's a bloody shame that. Other 2 gonna do alright now? A pic of the seed would be good. Is it aviary seed? Cheers
  8. It has bull imo, not sure what else though. Atb
  9. Good early batch Lil, will have plenty of time to grow on. What do you feed your youngsters? Atb
  10. he has shaped up well mate , nice square shanksCheers mate. He's a fair lad, pullet a good size too.Atb
  11. My beddy/whip is quick off the mark. Dead in a flash. Use him with my terrier and mates terriers. Work well together. Atb
  12. Yes mate. If you have bred them for a long time they are your fowl. Putting names against them would add value also I guess. Some folk will of maintained the same strain for many yrs. Not an easy thing to do. Atb
  13. I'll try tomorrow, or Sun if weather good. Jonnie jumper died fairly recently and was very respected breeder I read. Spent yrs developing fowl and had massive game farm. Saw pics of hundreds of cocks/stags tethered out on acres of land. Grey's also, which look amazing.
  14. I'll take a look tomorrow. Sounds good. Cheers for the heads up . Atb Would like to see some of your hens/pullets. Fancy doing a thread on them? I have a nice spurred pullet, I'll try get a pic up at some point. It's as wild as the hills though. Atb
  15. Never got chance to find out Gnipper. Some thieving f****r took him out the pen before he was 10 weeks old.Rotten shits.
  16. Your welcome. The offer is there to genuine lads!Atb
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