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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Game hens are excellent broodys, gold tops usually go broody at the drop of a hat. That same question goes out to Lil.
  2. Out of interest do you use false light or anything for early eggs, or nature's way? I can never get a broody that early. Do you breed off your good broodys, in the hope of passing on that trait? I hatched one gold top last yr for that purpose, I'll see how she does. Cheers
  3. Sickened I bet. Ive had them kill chicks before, it's no good.Atb
  4. I like them belucky. They are doing well. Atb
  5. Getting another stag same back No pics yet. Atb
  6. It's not right that is it? Bloody shame.Cheers
  7. He's looking in great nick mate, turned out nice. A lump of a thing, about 5.5 to 6lb I would say, just guessing though. Atb
  8. Great chief and she ain't bothered about cover either. Result :-)
  9. As above. Take a look through some threads. Ground you run on is a consideration also. Atb
  10. Best I could do Lil :-) 2015 pullet, only one I have Atb
  11. Nice one foxpack :-) good to watch the dogs doing what they do though. Atb
  12. Shame that Lil, is she flattening them you think? Nice birds keeper. Atb
  13. Great pics and a good haul. What's the dog in second and fifth pic down? Atb
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