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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Nice mate, first and bottom bird for me. What breed are them pigeon? Atb
  2. Nice quartet. I like the shamo and brown pullet. Atb
  3. That's a fair dig Vin :-) vins only 3ft Lol :-)
  4. think our wires are crossed re the rampuri lil ? no one has given ma one of them , the only small birds I have are the hennies and a few irish gamefowlAye, keeper eley is your man I think :-)Atb
  5. Tremendous Lil! Are the Wheaton Butchers? Top stag Butcher (guess)? Cheers
  6. 20" 8lbs mate , hes the bird I bred the white muffs from ,,LOADS of attitude lolLol :-) yeh I liked them also. Good size.Atb
  7. Very nice healthy ferrets there mate. Well done. Atb
  8. They are fair lads belucky. I like the muffed bird best, looks like he has attitude :-) what height/weight is he? Did you get any youngsters off these? Cheers
  9. I love the look of that mate. A really well made bit if kit, built to last. Have you used it before? Cheers
  10. It's a great set up, seen it first hand.Atb
  11. http://www.greyhoundsuperstore.co.uk/ This is where I got mine from, delivered. Cheers
  12. ? Not following mate.Atb Did'nt see it myself, but on winterwatch the other day packham made a comment to michaela about getting her out of bed to show her blackcock in the flesh lololLol :-) don't reckon old cwis will have much to show :-)Atb
  13. That older dog of yours seems to switched onto the wee dog already. Happy days ahead. Atb
  14. I've been thinking on something like the first and third pic down. I'm gonna re - do everything this summer. It'll be a mission, but needs done. I've asked my landlord for some extra ground and he agreed. Will build new pens and housing. Would love sections roofed, but would cost a fortune. Got a couple of dead elms to fell first before I start. I'm doing a job for someone at the moment, in exchange for labour. He is a joiner, so will come in handy.
  15. 6lb 2oz ,and that was a job and a half weighing him cm ,you know how agile i am ,lets say hes got the edge on the agility stakes ! when we moved him i though he was a bit of a lump carrying him over to the pen Aye, a good size Atb
  16. Pity, I thought he might be an Irish Whitehackle.He could well be Neil, has the look of a Whitehackle.Atb
  17. I'm ok mate, thanks for the offer! Glad all are doing well. Would love to see/hear how the offspring are doing. Atb
  18. He is a topper greyface, the daughters are smart also. Very nice, well done. How are the others doing? Hope all is well. Atb
  19. Just started feeding gain 20, so nothing to report as yet. Recommended by a few lads. Atb
  20. I've used both, but broodys are by far the best. Much less work also. Chicks feather better, eat better and do better with a broody. She also keeps them in order, no fighting, pecking etc.
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