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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Beddy in that one?Very smart. Atb
  2. he was mate , the sod has started setting about me the last couple of daysHa ha :-) full of the joys of spring.He looks well anyway. Atb
  3. He's looking well mate. Very nice looking pullets too. He was last yrs aye? Atb
  4. Run out of likes, lovely animals on here. Womble, the one top pic is a smasher. Atb
  5. Well done man, dog and ferrets. Phil, that's a grand pic. Atb
  6. Great write up and excellent pics. Thanks very much lads. Atb
  7. Yes mate, your bird is related.Atb
  8. Nice bird cmHe was, unfortunately no longer have him, offspring and grand kids still around though.Couple of members on here have relatives from him. Cheers
  9. Fair play mate, good on you for getting out. Atb
  10. Run out of likes. Great pics. Atb
  11. so have i ! have this instead ! i really do need to get doing some of this again next season I'll come over to you and get out over your way!
  12. I've run out of likes AT! A fair whack of beasts you have there Looking good. Atb
  13. Try asking on fowl and feather talk.Atb
  14. My mum used to like dripping sarnies. Atb
  15. He's a topper. Very healthy, well balanced looking. Nice. Atb
  16. Magic :-) looks a great spot to be. Glad you had a good do :-) Atb
  17. I like them met, they look in great condition , you have done a great job rearing them. I hope the others moult into full hennie, especially the creel. Atb
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