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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. cheers mate that's the we pup she's doing good great we burst of speed for the rabbitsYeh, she's built real well and stands out. Lovely animals. Did you breed them yourself? Whats the breeding? Beddy/whip?Cheers
  2. Very good, I love the look of the darker one at the back. Both look well. Atb
  3. Hey mate, You keep doing what your doing, push right through those elite hunters and crack on. Get your permissions, and teach them about sustainable hunting. See if you can get a dog going also, show the pet people what there for. Good man, keep on trying :-) Would be nice to see some pics and some write ups. Atb
  4. Ah, didn't realize you are in Holland. What's the ferreting like there? Any pics? You got catch dogs/lurcher? Be nice and flat, good runs for bolters. Cheers
  5. Yeh, I think he'll be ok. He had no handling, or very little. I'll keep you posted. Atb
  6. Not weighed yet, just letting him settle in, he's a bit wild, but not a man fighter. Caught him up in the dark this morning, will quiet him down and see.I'm thinking the 5lb mark in the hand. Cheers
  7. It's great eh lads? Love watching the dog's anticipation as the terrier bashes through cover, gives voice and they fly over towards the wee dog. I do collar the terrier up, just incase! Smart team Gaz :-) Atb
  8. Taken this morning, had him gifted. Sid Taylor. Thoughts?
  9. Hi mate, I'm curious about the original dutch working lines? Can you tell me more? The hob if you are neutering won't bring them out of season! You need a Vosectomised hob for that! Are the Jill's just a yr old? If so, I personally wouldn't breed from them, I would let them mature first, but that's just me, maybe there older Atb
  10. I like the brindle, looks a very useful sort. What's in the make up? Straight whippet? The sandy terrier is nice also. Atb
  11. As stated, Mr Farmer man wants rabbit numbers reduced, if not someone else will and permission lost. All other places I leave about now to keep stocks up.Atb
  12. No worries mate. I'll arrange a day. Will txt you later. I have somewhere that needs numbers bringing down. Atb
  13. I like it young man :-) shall I get your name down for kits? Atb
  14. cheers palDid he produce a litter at all?No mate I lost him before I had the chanceBugger.Atb
  15. I'll be getting my young hob done soon, so you can use him. I know lads near by you gonna have litters this season, off some of my stuff I gave away in past, so can sort you out if you want. Sounds good with shed idea. When's the lurcher coming? They go hand in hand mate :-) Atb
  16. Beddy in that one?Very smart. Atb more saluki and deerhound in him but yeah there is beddy in there I like the look of him mate.Atb
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