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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Gaz, the pups looking in tip top shape, as are the others. Chrisbullx, the land looks great and pack too. All the other packs/dog's in this thread look great also. Atb
  2. No mate, just happens more in winter. Can turn into a habit also. Clears up and comes back. Vet just said, could be linked to diet also. Diet has been changed to no wheat etc. Ta
  3. Threelander off here, I've had some great nets off him. Atb
  4. Hi, One of my dogs has a skin condition which causes him to lick small areas on the legs making them sore. It's called acute acral lick, not sure of the spelling there. Vet prescribed fuciderm cream and washing with hibi scrub. Can anyone recommend any other treatments? Creams? J Darcy! Have you any remedies? Thanks
  5. Looks like you had a cracking day lads. Nicely laid out rabbits tomo :-) Excellent going, well done, great write up. Atb
  6. Best of luck with them, very nice birds. Atb
  7. I have that roughneck gaz. Grand, strong and light. Tried folders, pile of rubbish. Atb
  8. Up sharp and out. Take one dog to work everyday, another the next and so on. Atb
  9. Bad luck only getting the 9, but great news with broodys. Good luck with the brown reds. What is the latest you would hatch? Cheers
  10. Hi Greyface, The Brown reds look great. I like the look of the one 3rd pic down. The stag looks well! Has he made a decent size? Atb
  11. Try a saw mill and get 1" x 1" tree steaks or bigger if you wish. I would say that's your best bet maybe. Atb
  12. Cracking weather and fantastic scenery. Magic :-)
  13. That's good news foxpack. Looking forward to pics. Atb
  14. Looks a great day and tremendous weather. Great stomping ground that. Love the bottom pic. Atb
  15. Hi mate, Can you make them yourself with the material from the hedge? Natural steaks look and blend in much better! Are you binding? You will use less steaks if you don't bind and use steaks and trugs only where needed. Post some pics when complete please. Atb
  16. Just seen the breeding NL. Should be quick off the mark. Atb
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