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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. This old girl had a good nose on her, good old sheep dog too. Her son in pic above.
  2. I like it Terry :-) nice one. Atb
  3. As he ever nailed one Terry?
  4. Don't know if any of you lads done a bit of ratting or not, but my terriers behavior changes with marking them, much the same as your Russell brainy. Collie and lurcher just mark solid same as for rabbits. Terrier certainly goes up a gear or two. Atb
  5. Ha ha brainy, defo trying to tell you something :-)
  6. Nice dog lol. Tomo, my border does exactly the same snorting, must be a trait :-) Atb
  7. Go on gaz, get one added to the pack! Atb
  8. Chicken_man


    Got that set on record. Cheers
  9. Isn't that a wee russell/whip on that old out of town video, when he was out ferreting?Atb Great that is, cracking wee dog. Wish OOT was still on.Atb yes it is If memory serve me right I think he called it a coney dog, I wish that OOT was still on too it better than most of the crap that on now a days. Oh aye, link above mate.Atb
  10. https://youtu.be/IBnFBnCO23E There you go
  11. Isn't that a wee russell/whip on that old out of town video, when he was out ferreting?Atb Great that is, cracking wee dog. Wish OOT was still on.Atb
  12. Isn't that a wee russell/whip on that old out of town video, when he was out ferreting?Atb
  13. Think you said he was a half bred. He has beddy ears on him, I was very surprised at the Light build and speed on him as he not a big dog, about 21" mark. Has a very good nose for marking. A little headstrong as they all tend to be when young but will settle down, it's just drive. My bitch was nuts keen when young but is settling down fine now. I was very surprised he was not 3/4 whippet with the build and speed. Yes mate, very driven, especially when fresh and competing with your one, but settle.Aye a half cross. Ideal dog for me and the ground I'm on. Also like the beddy/grey, I would imag
  14. Do you lads praise the dogs when marking? I don't, the rabbit is the reward.
  15. Like the beddy darbo, serving you well. Terry that dogs a belter. Can't seem to see vid though.
  16. I had an old collie dog did exactly the same. And aye, I know what you mean about rabbit numbers in the past. Atb
  17. A good marking dog is worth it's weight in gold, no matter what type of dog. They can come in all shapes and sizes and save hrs of unnecessary netting. They are all different and mark in different ways also. Some are dead easy to read, others can take time to read. My beddy/whip is a solid marker, no mistaking, as is my collie, the terrier however is very busy and can often miss, he marks with his head down the hole. I've seen dogs scratching at entrance, pointing at entrance, subtle looks towards you. Took a couple pics today while out for a wander (no ferret). When I have them all out,
  18. Very nice them. Looks his like yours NL. Good hunting :-) Atb
  19. Would like to see them mate Atb
  20. He has a great nose on him buster. Coat wise, good mix of both, but not over hairy. Feet are good. Good pace also, leaning more towards whippet. Pots of drive/keen. Will enter cover also and good jumper. A cruncher though, but not bothered, nets on for clean one's. Retrieves well also. Much the same as most beddy types I imagine Atb
  21. Smart looking beast moorside Atb
  22. were was the second picture took lad that tree looks very familiar is it that place were I workIt's near to where you work fella. Hope your dog's have settled at new place.Atb
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