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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Very good mate. I like the dark poley one, she looks quick. Atb
  2. Locator would be better mate! You'll get more rabbits and better for the ferrets welfare. But you could try it for other things, I don't know what though. Atb
  3. The fourth one down I like the look of, but all are good. Atb
  4. Well mate, I've run out of likes :-) You have done a top class job of rearing them. The Hennie are smashing. The other birds are great, look well balanced and good feather. Well done. Atb
  5. Thanks Captain. Feel free to add your own. Atb
  6. What do you think of him belucky? A late hatched last yr. Atb
  7. Doesn't sound too good lads. Hope your feeling better soon. Atb
  8. That Smidge is good stuff, was on Mull a couple of yrs back, by feck there were a lot :-)Atb
  9. They have great coats aswellAs does yours.Atb
  10. Yes krawden a definite mix :-) would be nice to have a bigger runner also on the outside as the beddy x likes action amongst the cover too. But I like them, caught a good few and love watching them work. The collie loves bashing cover as well :-) Atb
  11. I'm using a fugi finepix S100FS mate
  12. Yeh, I would of looked for bubbles too. Have you got tylan just incase?
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