Steady wee pup you got there. Enjoyed the film ?.
Looks like a lot of rabbits over there. Do you do it for a living? What numbers of rabbits would you take a season? I'm not about the numbers game, just curious.
Do you lamp also? Are many folks into ferreting over there?
Apologies for the questions, just curious.
Oh yes, good droving dogs, especially in the days gone by. Mainly used for driving cattle and sheep, some big distances too.
Phill /darbo, I considered this cross.
Thanks for your replys
Thats intresting certainly something i did not know.
There ya go...
Back in the Day...
Phill, Do you keep beasts like these? Or know the folks that have them?
I know a shepherdess who has one and its her main dog. It's thoroughly devoted to her and a decent worker.
Darbo I think you had a x of this type?
Aye, he's not done too bad as its been so wet. With all the water lying and pushing them tight together, I counted 17 in a field one and thats the one's I could see.
That makes sense FD, I'm sure it would have a psychological effect on pups if left over a long period of time.
Do you think though, pups/dogs can be brought back to a reasonable level if worked on one to one? Or would it have long lasting effects if bullying had continued for a longer period?