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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. That's brilliant what you have done with the kennels. Dogs look great ?
  2. Nice one, should do the job nicely ? Atb
  3. Went to the cinema as a kid to watch where the red fern grows, I was heart broken lol ? all the films you mentioned are classics Atb
  4. Just bought it skycat 1p + £2. postage Look forward to reading it ?
  5. Very nice, good and racey looking. Have fun Atb
  6. Hello, Posting pics on behalf of belucky, he's having a bit of trouble uploading pics at the moment. A mixture of Hennie muffs, Hennie, Taiwan. Belucky will give a better description.
  7. Just bought Belstone last year to watch again. Love that film, don't make em like that anymore. Atb
  8. I remember that mackem. It's interesting to get out with a detector Atb
  9. Not got any mate. Been a poor do to say the least. Very bad results. Just got a broody gone down, will set some eggs Wednesday, when settled. Put 25 in incubator this morning Had 2 broodys on eggs and both failed. Eggs were fertile. Atb
  10. ? Aye,not great flyers, we're smashing into the window last night. When I came in one was on me, the Mrs nearly jumped through ceiling ? Atb
  11. Brilliant ?. Fair difference in size from the first picture. Looking great ?
  12. Great pics lads ? The lad's looking chuffed with himself Postie, great to see. Atb
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