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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Hi all, My mate has been raided by mink, and killed a few chooks. I would think it will come back. I have used mink rafts to catch before, you dont need bait, curiosity lures them in, but you do need calm water for good results, there is none there. What is the best bait to use in traps on land ? If any. Thanks
  2. Maybe its the time of yr mate, its gettin close to spring, and he may be looking out for his girls, some cocks can get aggresive spring time. Got to be carefull if you handle the females too. See what the others say
  3. Best wishes to all, have a great Christmas
  4. Hi all, Best wishes to everyone, have a great Christmas
  5. Thanks a lot folks, its pearls of wisdom like this, which makes it a bit easier for me and others to get on better and increase our knowledge. I shall continue to ask questions when they arise, and hope for responses like this. Many thanks
  6. Hi folks, What is the best age to show your Oxford type males ? When would they be at there best ? About 2yrs ? Got a 1st and 2nd with 2 Partridge females, about 8 mth old, the stag at same age, judge said he was too young ? Thoughts please
  7. Love it Thanks a lot mate, share more stuff please
  8. Absolutely fantastic art work , very talented . A letter off to Santa right now
  9. Thanks for the advice folks , lots to think about now , and i find it useful
  10. Thanks mate , ive done lots of reading , looked at lots of pics . I intend to show my birds , but they are more like the original type Oxford ie heavier , thicker legs , will just have to see how the judges look at that . The Oxford seems to be getting smaller . Got OEG bantys too . Never kept hold of any young cocks till now , space etc . Thanks for replying
  11. Hello, Dubbing . Whats your thoughts on that ? Is it legal ? Anyone ever not done it ? What would Judges at shows think ? Would they not favour un-dubbed birds ? Just chucking something into the pot to think about . Let me know your thoughts . Ta
  12. Thanks for that Got some Hatch on the way , looking forward to seeing them . Will learn a bit more about em when i see em . Fella im gettin em off is sound . Cant wait . Ta for now
  13. Don't want to sound ignorant , but what are Sid Taylors and Butcher ? A line of birds ? Ta
  14. Anyone fancy doing an article about Oxfords on here? . History , breed standard , colours etc . I would love to read it , Ive read stuff on google etc , but would like to learn more . Ill keep looking to see if anyone does owt . Cheers
  15. Great job Bet your well chuffed
  16. Hello, They hatched I'm chuffed
  17. Unfortunately i was not informed about the power going off . I may well invest in a generator for the future , would come in handy anyway . Incubator was not opened , so ill wait and see . No pipping yet , will give it a couple of days . Thanks Folks
  18. Question ! Had a power cut on Fri for 7hrs and again yesterday for about the same . I was not notified about it , to say the least a little fed up . My eggs in the incubator are about 4 days away from hatching , what are their chances ?
  19. Hi , I don't hatch any way near the amount you boys do , but I do want to get the best results . Im learning all the time and next year ill probably wnt something with better humidity control . I have a couple of small incs , a brinsea and a still air . The still air seems to do best . Still learning , and its good to get all sorts of different peoples experiences . Cheers
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