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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. UK, thanks for sharing your knowledge. It amazes me all the different names of fowl lines, would never of thought that was the reason they are called blue face, as bull said i lirterally thought blue face. It is important to know the history, with all things, not just fowl. It can help with the managment and upkeep if you have a better understanding of any animal, people included. I often ask folk with dogs if they know the history of the breed, a lot of the time they dont. Knowing the history aids with all kinds of behavior problems. I would recomend anyone to research whatever animal they ar
  2. Everything lol. About why they are called blue faced, what are there breeding, why them and not roundheads for example, is there any difference ? Hope that's ok :-)
  3. Uk, they look great, can you tell us about the blue faced hatch please. Atb fella
  4. UK, any pictures of your mates Ginger ?
  5. They look absolutely fine looking basil, i like them very much. Can you tell us any more about them ? History, how you bred/breed them etc. Thanks. Also the difference with the red quills. Ta
  6. I like the look of them.Smart birds :-) tab
  7. Interesting stuff UK, thanks for sharing :-)
  8. Basil and UK, Derbys English influence in America, would that account for the white in the tails of Whitehackle. Derbys birds often had white in the tail, making them quite distinguishable from other birds. And I believe he favoured the white leg ?
  9. Basil, that lad is very much like my own. Are his sickle feathers much longer now ? I have some Irish gamefowl eggs sent to me and your gifted bird looks almost identical to the father bird. You know your stuff :-)
  10. Basil ! Out of intrest what makes you suspicious of his breeding ? If i may ask
  11. Your quite right Basil, cocky wee things they are The kids love em, real tame they are, eat out of your hand, and you can just go and pick them up. They perch on you too, its hilarious
  12. He looks a fine fella Basil Atb with him
  13. They are fine looking Very good price too. I used to keep a few black. Good luck with the breeding Atb CM
  14. They do go broody mate, but sporadically, and can often stop half way through
  15. I l wouldn't say that basil, I bet you have some belters :-)
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