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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. This first one i have no idea. Mr Darcy?
  2. Well, that's some story fella. I don't know how I would handle that situation, you did well :-). I hope he has a full recovery, and you get back hunting. All the very best :-)
  3. Ha :-) Yeh, might try that one. Wouldn't mind a couple of pigs, and a useful horse too. Maybe some sheep.Maybe one day eh? Atb
  4. Just a few pairs mate. Space is limited. Would love to have more. Atb
  5. Sorry pal,That is if they have a dose of worms, lose condition etc. Regular worming does no harm. Keeps em tip top. Atb
  6. Unfortunately the majority up North of the Border voted for the SNP and they want more powers and laws for Scotland only and as the SNP are anti hunting,your up the creek without a paddle...haha ..only joking buddy,I ain't a clue what's happening lolJust have to see :-)Cheers pal, Atb
  7. Would there be a repeal in Scotland too? The ban was in place here a couple of yrs before England. I hope so. Atb
  8. Lose condition, can lead to other conditions/illness, stop laying, severe cases death. Atb
  9. What do you folks use as a wormer? Someone recommend Flubenvent to me. It's basically layers pellets with the treatment added, and fed for 5 days straight, and then 3 wks after. It has to be prescribed by the merchant when you order. I have used it, and think it's ok. What's everyone else's preference? Atb
  10. Horrible Bob that :-). Few lessons learned by us all after time eh. They key is, not to give them hiding places. Any new housing I make are sealed with silicone. Plastic nest boxes etc. Spray the housing regular, making sure you get any new hatching out. I think it's a case of control, as opposed to eliminate. Don't think you will ever eliminate, control so there is not an infestation imo. Free range bird's do better, constantly dust bathing. I am going to make some dust baths out of used cattle mineral lick tubs, and add some fine silver sand, and wood ash + powder., cover in bad weath
  11. Yeh felt is bad for them. Last time I put felt on, I sealed round edges with silicone. Atb
  12. Had them in my beard many yrs ago :-) Horrible feeling, scrubbed, and shaved it off lol :-)
  13. Watch out for mites at this time of year Ladies & Gentlemen! They can be a real problem, causing sluggishness, drop in eggs, real uncomfortable for bird's, and even death! Check out there sleeping quarters at night with a torch, see if you can see the little buggers crawling about on the bird's. Make sure if your bird's don't have access to a dust bath, you provide them one, or dust each bird individually. Spray out the living quarters regularly. If you do have an infestation, any shavings cleaned out, burn if you can. They like dark cracks to live in and moist, powder these areas, a
  14. As J Darcy says, some species of Duck. The down says that to me :-)
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