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Everything posted by Chicken_man

  1. Yes mate definatly looks hen featherd the more I look at him,,Yeh fella. Lets get a close up :-)
  2. Try to get a closer pic of the other stag please. Atb
  3. That's a nice stag, but not hen feathered by the looks of him. Hackles and saddle ook too long and pointed Nice bird fella :-)
  4. iv just put him with that hen and her sister, they are actually heavier than the stag @9 1/2 lbs, just a quick question about the Spanish spangled stag in your post ,is he hen feathered ?He looks it
  5. Nice bird's belucky. Very big hen :-) Atn
  6. Couple of pics i took with the phone. Interesting wee creatures, one transforms into a beauty
  7. As above, my hobs tail loses hair, and grows back. No idea what causes it though. Anyone? Atb
  8. Ha, brilliant. I think limited telly and DVDs is ok.Atb
  9. That's the way :-) Keep them connected to Nature :-)Atb
  10. Agreed. Gonna watch something on birds nesting tomorrow. Educational, instead of rubbish. Atb
  11. Chicken_man


    Covered the telly with a throw blanket today. Me and the Mrs felt the kids were wanting to watch too much telly. When they came down this morning, they asked why it was covere. I told em it was sleeping :-). They forgot about it, and helped me in the garden, so no telly today :-). Atb
  12. Brilliant mate, great pics :-) Atn
  13. They are doing ok fella. Could do with more space, but couldn't we all :-)
  14. Hi mate, I use vitamins for the birds, apple cider vinegar and garlic.
  15. Very nice mate. Looking well grown. Stag is a topper. Atb
  16. yes its a cuckoo mate, I have 3 pullets ,I ran one of my duckwing Taiwan stags with one of them ,I guess that's were he came from, since then I have obtained a nice cuckoo stag and now have quite a few cuckoo chicks , atbNice :-). Will you keep a line of them going? Are they unusual in Asian, or quite common?I like them anyway. Atb
  17. Would like to see it mate.Atb
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