Shavings on the bottom to absorb any wetness and straw on top as the jill ferret will make a great nest out of it to keep the kits in.. Shredded paper gets wet to easy mate
Would any farmers be interested in letting me and 2 or 3 friends up ferreting their land for when the season comes back in we will certainly keep the rabbit numbers down for your land.. Will also do foxes and rats just let me know
You should be waiting to september before ferreting all your gona get this time of year is a lot of digging up ferrets and more than likely a lot of dead young rabbits wait to september then you should go don't be killing your own sport.
I have 2 jill ferrets who are due kits and don't know what would be the best bedding to use for them what do you lot think straw,woodchippings,shredded paper,old clothes??? Any other ideas??