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Everything posted by Charliejet

  1. Lovely seeing them pups grow. Great job pp. all the new owners seem pleased with you and the pups.
  2. If possible get a dog off someone you know , watch them work and then wait for a pup to come up. That's the sure way if your not sure what your after.
  3. Italian greyhound , great for lamping mice around the house.
  4. Sure it weren't your dogs crap you caught by hand? Without a lamp it's more likely!
  5. Lovely countryside mate, your very lucky . I live in the suburbs of London and grew up working filled in gravel pits which are all built on now. As a kid It felt like the middle of nowhere! Still, it was full of wild life and taught me a lot. I had a cracking little brindle whippet cross who lived till 12 yo. Myxi was everywhere then, 23 years ago. That was my last dog until last year I got offered a pup I couldn't refuse! I've got two cracking lurchers now, one's exceptional . I'm bang into it like I was back then. I still have to mooch about at night like back then because permission is hard
  6. We've had a couple of wet windy nights recently and I've been out, my one year old dog just came into his own at the end of the season so if I get the chance to work I work him. They all get minced and then eaten by my animals so f**k it!!
  7. I keneld my lurcher recently because I just had a baby and he improved in the field over night, he was approaching a year old and was still puppy like out on the lamp, since being banged up he don't leave my side and retrieves like a mature dog.
  8. I've just got involved but I think I was on the wrong topic, I'm a lurcher man from Middlesex and been reading stuff on here for a while, thought it time to join in.
  9. I've just joined but I'm in to working with dogs, am I on the wrong forum?
  10. Just joined myself , been reading a lot thought i would get involved
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