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tatsblisters last won the day on October 16 2024

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About tatsblisters

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. No political party is really on the side of ordinary working class folk tbh I can't be arsed with any of them anymore. Don't think i will ever be bothered to vote again unless it's an independent with no ties to any of them.
  2. It's a cross i like tbh . My old lurchers in the past were a mix of these breeds and were good honest dogs that were worked hard lamping and running Heather moorlands without any serious injuries.
  3. How you getting on with that new scout catapult mate.
  4. Where ever the Roma Slovaks reside in Rotherham their is always plenty of rats and i have heard of lads getting some sport on the rat's in those areas probably the only benefit they have brought to the town is for lad's that like a bit of ratting.
  5. Don't think anyone is denying your late father was instrumental in having his saluki blood in quality coursing dogs. As to the first salukis to be used and crossed with greyhounds I don't think it matters what part of the country they came from. First greyhound x saluki I ever saw was when I was about 15 and the chap who had it was a mate of Crim Smith a well known greyhound racing and coursing man who i believe had also attended saluki coursing events over 50 odd years ago and ended up putting one of is greyhounds to a saluki. A good mate has recently lent me a good book about the saluki.
  6. I know my old mate B A. Had a pure might have been late 70s I remember him telling me though I can't recall were he said he got it from.
  7. Found this dead one last week. Parts of Rotherham are overrun with them.
  8. Remember some London lads mentioning a fella called Gordon from down south who kept and ran pure salukis years ago.
  9. Gelded in a way through fear that subdues the ordinary folk of not speaking out and it's only going to get worse with this Labour party. Like my wife for instance who works in the care sector along side immigrants from Africa and India if she said what she really thinks about immigration it wouldn't be long before she was out of a job.
  10. Sad to hear that mate on top of everything else you have had to contend with in the last year are so. Take care mate and all the best.
  11. Ain't that the truth mate. Without going into to much detail this case has come into our lives and one thing it's done is strengthen my resolve in speaking out no matter who the feck it offends and thank feck i never bump into the fekin lunatics who condone mass immigration and their refugees welcome here banners.
  12. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=1b5ba3a8a8070a5a876152d9db556a054e9dc55075da9a0556ffcc1a672bf5b6JmltdHM9MTc0MTIxOTIwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=0d1aced0-1460-6cf0-23a7-dd7415176d40&psq=rotherham+rapists+jailed&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWlycm9yLmNvLnVrL25ld3MvdWstbmV3cy9icmVha2luZy1yb3RoZXJoYW0tZ3Jvb21pbmctZ2FuZy1wYWlyLTM0Nzk5NTQ3&ntb=1
  13. I can remember watching videos mate in the late 80s of the Lancashire lad's a few names spring to mind John Lennon and remember some one called boozer and bolio on them and they had competitions between themselves. I would say back then most of their dogs were mostly just greyhound saluki hybrids with not much else in them and I believe it's when other hybrids got crossed into the saluki hybrids that better hare killing dogs were produced. Another chap i remember on them old videos was i believe an ex Liverpool player and had a pub around Manchester way.
  14. I have to agree with Reg mate it went from South to North not the other way round .
  15. After reading the book Avni about the man eating tigress that gives you an insight into the fear the residents went through when the man eater was in their area. Those releasing the lynx into the wild even in remote areas of Scotland do not give a thought to farmers and other livestock keeper's in the areas that can cause them problems they could do without.
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