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About oneredtrim

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    Extreme Hunter

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    manc 1

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  1. that's it , anybody shoot a gun , any young bloke wanting to make a name for him self more so on drugs , would take either of them gays out no prob , and they the krays wouldn't have been missed well not by me, and I was born in 1952 . my old chap was proper man had 4 kids , worked 60 hours a week 2 jobs, looking after us 4 kids , we came 1st him+ mom second that's a man to admire , not couple puffs tooled up with plenty back up , that's cowards .!! They'd have got no sympathy vote for the twin trick on salford docks or trafford park in the '50's, i knew someone like y
  2. Fancy doing your mrs in to shag your brother...thier old fella had obviously dabbled em when young.
  3. He did get a subliminal trail Max...when in the last two for the job with greenwood (mcmenemy having already been ruled out), he was asked to look after/over a young english side playing in a tournament in japan on an early astro-related turf, unfortunately for him somebody stuck a mic under his beak and he said...'for a nation that can put a tv in my wristwatch, it's suprising you cant grow a bit of bleedin turf, if god would have waanted to play football in the heavens he'd have turfed the clouds' (a metaphor relating to the sky-high bounce the false turf provided)...Greenwood got the walk-t
  4. 'Dont give me that goody good bullshit'... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0kcet4aPpQ ask for a rissse and it's no suprissse...jobs a bad en'..
  5. ......money is fairly easy in the scheme of things to get, your life, how you are, your relationships with people, with your kids, with your family no amount of money can buy or put right after the event......
  6. People are only going to see it if you choose to let it be seen....an hunting dog wont need to see a skin to know it's in your left coat pocket...granted it might be seen down the park if your busy surreptitously looking for fat arses but we've got over that hurdle and decided the plot was gonna be set for the dog and not ayou.......heel,heel,heel with the your dogs nose pressed on your pocket until the time you reach somewhere perfect and remote, flat uninjuryable, stick, string attached..flirt movement/attention...attention pointing the way you say.
  7. It dont take the biggest thinker in the world to attach a skin to a flirt pole to allow a little bit of distance, half kidding a dog that it's free-running whilst still being attached to a long training lead, emergency stops, retrieves, fetch etc should prove easier under miniature conditions (the diameter the circle of your pole and line will create), given that your a big enough boredom inducer and tease to create the want around the skin at a hand level before even attaching it to a stick and line. Essentially the skin and line are now the dogs in the distance (more exciting than ayou), a t
  8. Yeah...i gathered that ^....if the dogs got his mincers on you and the skinny skin skin, then you'll have the opportunity to cement the action (all eyes on you) before you go sniffing down the park.
  9. Get your dog a skin and instigate 'want' back at your place (no dog place), get a horse training lead and teach your dog to walk to heel/skin, when your out in a place devoid of dogs...just sit with the skin clockable in your bin, sit till the dogs bored (not you bored/unfortunately a lot of handlers do not have the patience for this simple move and because of that the dog will be getting some kind of winger further down the week/make the dog bored...full stop) and then when the skin is introduced it will be like kopping for a dab radio whilst doing soilitary. Put your roller skates away and
  10. And where did the black and tan come from in some terrier breeds. So do you think Rottweilers and Kerry Beagles are terrier crosses ? do you think the apbt are rottweiler x ? Not for one second nor do I think there's terrier in them. Why do you think Terrier was added to the end of the name if not because terrier blood was used? Why is the Airedale classed as a terrier if it never went to ground ? To be fair looking at em you'd put heavy dough on a sneaky terrier leg over.
  11. Not sure if that ^ is aimed at me Bos, perhaps i never articulated meself too well earlier but i never for a moment wrote his forefathers (or meant to imply) pit dog mob went into his own line...only that it travelled down to wigan to seek out a specific terrier type fancied by known wiganers....the offsprogs went on to be first registered in Staffordshire, otherwise they'd have been called Wigan bull terriers. Next time you see him ask him if this is bullshit. No, not aimed at you mate. Just saying that I've heard both versions of the history, with one of the 'not's' at the old Wigan club me
  12. Not sure if that ^ is aimed at me Bos, perhaps i never articulated meself too well earlier but i never for a moment wrote his forefathers (or meant to imply) pit dog mob went into his own line...only that it travelled down to wigan to seek out a specific terrier type fancied by known wiganers....the offsprogs went on to be first registered in Staffordshire, otherwise they'd have been called Wigan bull terriers. Next time you see him ask him if this is bullshit. No, not aimed at you mate. Just saying that I've heard both versions of the history, with one of the 'not's' at the old Wigan club me
  13. Not sure if that ^ is aimed at me Bos, perhaps i never articulated meself too well earlier but i never for a moment wrote his forefathers (or meant to imply) pit dog mob went into his own line...only that it travelled down to wigan to seek out a specific terrier type fancied by known wiganers....the offsprogs went on to be first registered in Staffordshire, otherwise they'd have been called Wigan bull terriers. Next time you see him ask him if this is bullshit.
  14. not all supposition Stan...the paper trail of the union between the Northern pit and wigan terrier is held/owned by a doctor in the isle of man, the kc chucked a 5 figure bid at it in the 90's (early '90's)
  15. Nice to see someone who's view is the APBT is the original Bulldog. One thing that backs up your argument is Bulldog is added to Terriers this day and age to harden them up, you wouldn't see the opposite taking place. Nuttal once told me if i had a bull line ruunning short of pepper then i could do worse then throwing L.Oakes borders into the mix, naturally being a touch on the kinky side i asked Levi about the terriers gameness, he asked me was flying back into brock with no bottom jaw enough gameness for me...i took his point. Brians forefathers brought down thier northumberlan
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