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About glenayers1951

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  1. About a couple of weeks ago a man of about 30 was shot by accident by his friend while climbing over a fence while they were out shooting rabbits. What a shame that they were out killing poor defenceless rabbits in the first place, what a shame that they could not take up some other safer sport like golf or cricket,what a shame that his friend was so careless with the gun by not having the safety pin on,what a shame that what they were doing is legal, what a shame for the families of the two men who must be going through hell and last but not least what a shame that a man has to regret for the
  2. Are their any reds to be found in any part of Devon.
  3. We have foxes coming into my mothers garden and they pull her washing off the line, how do I stop this.
  4. Now their is another animal I have never seen apart from on tv.
  5. Their seem to be an awful lot of grey squirrels about but I have never seen a red, where is the best place in the country to see them other than Aberdeenshire where I know their are alot.
  6. Hi I have just joined and look forward to some discussions.
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