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Everything posted by DazAllison1

  1. Generally they were, especially the bitches, but with deerhound blood you'll always get some pups growing tall and 30 inches isn't the biggest you'll see. I've a bitch here 1 of her parents were cooksland and the other was doxhope, and she's only made 26tts
  2. Thats un under statmernt mate im on cloud 9 hope all went well with your litter mate 1st time iv breed a bitch and the last time to mite not be black and tan mite be black and white not sure as iv just had quick look but looked like all black with tan on feet how many did your bitch have She had 6 mate lost 1 so she's got the 5 now, all massive pups for being a week old which is good
  3. Aye am sure rule of thumb is you don't get black and tan or feathered in 1st X but atb with your litter mate, its exciting times, my bitch dropped her litter last week
  4. She's deerhound x greyhound 2nd cross, Asha off here bred her! She's the 1st deerhound type I've had and I done abit of research into them and read a lot that they are slow to mature etc but this bitch will be ba year old in a couple of weeks and its seems like the pennys already dropped with her, hopefully its a sign of good things to come, but at the moment its slow and steady
  5. Wondering if there's any more shows coming up in scotland?
  6. Took the young bitch out for a couple hours last night, she will be year old in a couple of weeks so she's no done much but she's starting to follow the lamp and that better, she had maybe a dozen slips last night and caught 3 so she's doing well so far.
  7. Is the fawn and white patched dog scruffy x big mush ?
  8. I'm mainly a "day walker", but I've a few mates own terries so I do the odd bit off digging aswell so neading something tough but breathable, price range round the100 mark 150 at very max
  9. Looking at the seeland stuff and the lingfield looks good value, anybody any expeiriance of them and how did you rate them?
  10. Aye bitch is doing well with them, wait till you see how big pups actually are, no wonder she was as big
  11. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/298309-norsk-skoll-pups/?do=findComment&comment=3323279 Pics of pups on there lads
  12. That's the bitches racing name pal, bitch is a pure grey
  13. Aye I'd agree just gift them away if they don't make the grade, costs just as much to keep a bad 1 as it does a good 1
  14. Bitch had 6 all together, 3 bitches 3 dogs but a bitch died, so only the 5 left now 2 bitches 3 dogs, nice chunky pups though I'll post a couple of pics soon
  15. Still only the 3 pups, seems a slow labour
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