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Matt Cottrell

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Everything posted by Matt Cottrell

  1. Quality mate lovely gun that fancy a .25 my self for ratting
  2. Thank you I will do.I'm going to give him my supersport that my dad gave me just got to give it a bit off work to get her shooting right an get him a scope for it an then it's his
  3. Nice mate he really in to it when we go pigeon shooting with shotguns he up before me lol
  4. Target on right is last group he shot so stopped there so he keeps his interest as he was buzzing Target on left is half way thro the session all rested shots of table he already asked if can do more Tom when his back from school lol as said his is great shot with shot gun so may just have it in him
  5. My son will asked if he could have some airgun shooting lessons he wants to shoot my hw100 but I told him if your going to learn you doing it the right way so got the 97 out not bad for a hour lesson but I have to say he is a great shot with a shotgun already . 28 yards
  6. I have had a rat problem in my garden mate dint want poison down as my dogs ferrets ect so I shoot um bait choice is endless shot 28 ish Peanut butter Chocolate spread Bread that I have found best for me Bird food Peanuts Chicken Any thing really but I did find um to get lamp shy very quick red filter helped for a while then they just would not come out so had to use nv mate good luck an good hunting
  7. Are you sure you are filling it correct mate I know it a stupid question but could be a simple thing like that hope u get it sorted mate
  8. Yea has Ferrell on no collar thanks for comments pic don't do it favours
  9. The best .22 pellet ever is the one your gun groups the best with it could be superdome to bisley mags mate just trail an error mate all the best
  10. Were I shot you would think there was no bunnys about come 6pm on a nice warm day there's loads about and as sed else were shot one if the others bolt 20 mins later there out again
  11. Well done mate love Cyril hunting my brother will travel all the way from London to me just to pick up some Cyril's if I've shot some it's his fav meat of all time
  12. Get a hair roller/curler fill it with the bait of you choice and anchor it down with wire and a strong stake so they cant take it away for the young. A rat will remove EVERYTHING in case it cant feed for a while. If you can stop them taking the food as you kill them the young will have to come and look for food. I had a major problem in my garden and thats how I solved it. Cheers ill try it mate they went off the peanut butter after I shoot a few over it so tried Nutella same thing happened bread seems to be pulling them in at the mo so will try this method thanks matt
  13. Yea I get you mate I miss my ultra to cheers
  14. Bad mate I'm striping soon to tune it a bit so my son can Learn to shoot with her he wants my hw100 lol sed when u can shoot a springer an get good groups constant ill let u shoot a pcp
  15. Welcome matey not long joined my self but great site enjoy
  16. Was in gun shop other day an pest control firm came in a brought all there stock off webley value Max's they had he reckoned there the best for the job Gun shop also said they have had a lot detuned as there coming in at over 15 lb Nice post matey
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