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About andy836

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Well I was dithering between a hw77 or a tx 200 and reading the stories on here made me go for the tx.
  2. So there response to peoples complaints is to loctite the internals shut to stop people seeing how bad things are? If that isn't a big FU I don't know what is.
  3. Just had a look and got one where the tourch clips into it and it swivles in the middle, that any good for you?
  4. No problem, thought I'd offer got loads of bits and bobs in the spares box.
  5. I've got a spare figure 8 mount with 2 weaver mounts on one of the 1inch rings you can have pm me your address and I'll pop it in the post Monday morning.
  6. Probably doing it to stop people getting into the internals and seeing just how poor the quality control has become.
  7. Thanks for the advice, now £600 poorer, just ordered the HC in left handed walnut stock with a Hawk varmint sf 4-16 scope, going to see how loud it is then if necessary purchase a moderator later.
  8. Hi there, been registered on the forums a couple of months and loads of tips and info. I've been looking at getting a new springer and decided on the air arms tx200 in .177 mainly going to be used for range shooting and the odd back garden plinking session, lucky enough to have bought a house with a 100ft back garden. What I would like help with is deciding whether to get full length version or the HC? Is there a big difference in noise levels between the two? As I don't want to be ups setting the neighbours. Thanks for any advice given.
  9. Finally got time to make my first post after registering a week or 2 ago, I found these forums through vermin hunters tv channel on youtube after I purchased a Hammerli 550 seeker air rifle combo, to deal with the rats that I have recently noticed stealing the bird feed off the feederIi put in the back garden, and found I couldn't hit a barn door with it. So I googled how to aim with a spring powered air rifle and came across various youtube channels giving advice and found the ones with Si Pittaway giving advice on the marksmanship principles and various other bits of advice, after 3 tins
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